7 Things Americans Can Learn From Life In Spain

Any master traveler will tell you that visiting a new place leaves you different, in the best way. Immersion in a new culture often bestows benefits that impact travelers’ lives for years to come. 

And in the case of Spain, those benefits are especially zesty. This lively culture of family and food has much to teach Americans, who year after year leave vacation days unused and trips unbooked. So read up, learn their ways and better yet, take a visit to Spain! 

1. Party time is any time.

Seriously, ANY time. A typical evening out in Spain begins with dinner at 10 p.m., followed by bars or clubs at 2 a.m. and an after-party döner kebab at 5 a.m. Work tomorrow? No problem! Spaniards know how to live life to the fullest.

2. Public holidays should be celebrated, too.

On an American public holiday (say, Washington’s Birthday for example), you’ll likely sleep late, stay home and get a few chores done around the house. Not so with Spaniards. A public day off means everyone hits any open bars and restaurants for big, city-wide day parties of the classiest degree.