8 Carby Snacks That Can Actually Help You Lose Weight

At just 30 calories per cup, you could have three or four cups of popcorn as a snack and still reach your goals, Schapiro says.

“Plus, popcorn is high in fiber, which makes it an appetite-suppressing snack,” she says.

Just steer clear of the butter-drenched, super-salty movie theater popcorn and pop your own kernels, says Schapiro. You can even get fancy by giving your homemade popcorn a spritz of olive oil and a dash of pink Himalayan salt, she says. (Get closet to your weight-loss goals with Women’s Health’s Body Clock Diet.)

For a different spin on the snack dietitians love, try three cups of air-popped popcorn sprinkled with one tablespoon of nutritional yeast, says Alison Massey, R.D., director of diabetes education at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland.

“Sprinkling the popcorn with nutritional yeast flakes gives it a cheesy flavor without all the fat,” says Massey.  “Plus it adds about four to five grams of protein per tablespoon.”