8 Health Trends That We Need To Ditch In 2017

This year was a tough one in a lot of ways, and the rise of certain health trends did not make it any easier. 

There are the perennially frustrating inaccuracies, like the concept that “natural” sugars are “healthy” ? we’re looking at you, blue agave. And if we read one more story comparing food to drug addiction, we might scream. Then there were some unfortunate developments in the health landscape, like pricey fitness subscription fee hikes. 

It wasn’t all bad news in the world of health, though. Fitness enthusiasts continue to push the limits for new ways to build your abs, and the results are funny and surprising. And women are running past the finish line in droves: Women’s participation in races has increased by more than 25 percent since 1990, as nearly 10 million girls run races in the U.S. alone. But since the end of the year is typically associated with saying goodbye ? or at the very least, an airing of grievances ? we rounded up a few trends we took issue with this year and hope to never see again.

Below are a few of the most disappointing health items from 2016: