8 Ways to Reduce Inflammation – Underlying Cause of Many Diseases

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Inflammation isn’t just a trendy buzzword in medical circles these days – it’s a real threat to our health.

The inflammatory response is nature’s way to help heal the body from illness or injury but chronic inflammation is at the root of many dreaded diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.

“While inflammation can be healthy and a critical part of the body’s monitoring and repair systems, the real problem occurs when it goes out of balance and starts attacking our own, healthy cells instead of outside invaders,” says Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, author of “Real Cause, Real Cure,” and a leading authority in the field of inflammation.

“The has become a major problem, with the inflammation process now contributing not only to heart disease, Alzheimer’s and arthritis but also to the rising epidemic of autoimmune disease. “

Teitelbaum tells Newsmax Health there are eight simple ways to fight inflation and reduce your risk of these diseases:

Omega-3 fatty acids. You’ll find these well-known inflation fighters in foods like salmon, flax seed and walnuts. “Increasing your intake of fish can certainly help, but eating fried fish at McDonald’s makes the problem worse,” says Teitelbaum. “Steam or bake the fish just until done.”If you choose to use fish oil supplements to get the maximum bang of omega-3 fatty acids for your buck, the expert advises buying vectorized forms of the nutrient. “A small vectorized capsule replaces 8 large capsules of fish oil and there are no fish oil burps because it contains pure omega-3.”

Spice things up. Curcumin, the bioactive ingredient in the spice turmeric, has lots of science supporting its anti-inflammatory benefits. A 2015 study at the University of Arizona found that curcumin suppressed inflation and prevented tumor formation in mice with colitis-associated colon cancer. “Ginger is another good spice to take regularly,” says Chris D’Adamo, director of research at the Center for Integrative Medicine, University if Maryland. “I personally take a capsule called CuraMed every day to beat inflammation because it is the most highly absorbed form,” notes Teitelbaum.

Lose a few pounds. Fat tissue is biologically active and pumps out inflammatory chemicals. If you are overweight, your body may be in a constant state of inflammation, says Catherine Duggan, staff scientist in the Public Health Sciences Division at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.

Avoid cooking foods at high temperatures. According to the experts at the Dana Foundation, a philanthropic organization that supports brain research, these foods create compounds that promote inflammation leading to Alzheimer’s disease. In a study published in the medical journal Brain, scientists suggest that inflammation “may be the real cause of Alzheimer’s disease rather than the result of it.”

Don’t forget the sunshine. “The deadly advice to avoid sunshine contributes to a dramatic increase in vitamin D deficiency with secondary increased inflammation and cancer risk,” says Teitelbaum. “Avoid sunburn, not sunshine and get your vitamin D levels tested.”

Eliminate sugar and refined carbs. When you consume sugar, your body releases insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps guide sugar molecules into your cells for energy. But when you have an excess of sugar in the body, your body produces excess insulin which causes insulin resistance and inflammation. “This can lead to accelerated aging, elevated cholesterol, hypertension, congestive heart failure, diabetes, osteoporosis and other metabolic syndromes, says Teitelbaum. “Sugar substitutes such as Stevia are good alternatives,” he says. Use quinoa instead of grains because it is actually a seed and does not impact your blood sugar as negatively as grains do.

Eat less meat. A 2015 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that a sugar molecule derived from red meat promotes inflammation and cancer progression. Sow swapping your burger for a veggie version once in a while may keep inflammation at bay.

Socialize. We already know that having a strong social network can keep your brain sharp but new research reveals it can also prevent inflammation. A 2015 study at the University of Chicago found that when people are feeling lonely, levels of norepinephrine, one of the fight or flight hormones, surged. This in turn increased the activity of inflammatory genes.