9 Women Share the Worst Marriage Advice They’ve Ever Gotten

People love to dish out unsolicited advice—about your career, your outfits…and how to live happily ever after. Marriage is a lifetime commitment, after all, so your friends, family, and even coworkers want you to make it a long-lasting union. Thanks, Mom, Aunt Judy, and Maria in reception. But what works for them might not be the best for your relationship; no two couples have exactly the same dynamic. To prove this, we asked our followers on Facebook and Twitter to share the awful “tips” they’ve received from others about their marriage. Any of these ring a bell?

“My mother said several. One was, ‘Marry for money—you can learn to love them.’ Yes, really.” —Kathy Gregg Acton via Facebook

“‘Whatever he asks for, give it to him.’ Um, no. Not doing that.” —@giromitch via Twitter

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“My mother-in-law told me women are to obey their husbands and to always make sure there’s a hot meal on the table when he gets home because the men are out in the fields working with their hands. Problem with that advice is I’ve been the one supporting him five years out of the eight we have been together, and I’ve never been without a job the entire time, even after giving birth to our daughter. It’s also not the 1950s anymore.” —Kelly Braucht via Facebook

“‘Don’t worry, divorce is always an option.’ I feel if you go in with this in mind, it’s exactly where you’re headed.” —@kellwardell via Twitter

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“That it would last…not! People fall out of love; getting married promises nothing. Working on it can help if both people want it to work.” —Nicole March via Facebook

“Never go to bed angry. You should go to bed angry [and] have a clear head when discuss[ing] issues.” —@hkfan1 via Twitter

“My mother-in-law gave me a handbook on how to be a good wife. I highlighted where it said ‘her owner shall praise her, and her sons shall declare her happy’ and returned it with a ‘Thanks, but I’ll figure it out.’” —Liana Nyanya Wilkinson via Facebook

“[Any] marriage advice from single people. It’s like getting parenting advice from people with no kids.” —Mel Arky via Facebook

“Someone at my job told me it was my responsibility to care for my husband when he was going through a bad depression. I found it was all too hard, as I was on duty 24/7. He went to a therapist, and I never discussed my home with my coworker again.” —Marian V. Brown via Facebook

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