A Bride-to-Be Honestly Asked Her Bridesmaids to Help Fund Her $10,000 Dress

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It all started when the bride began obsessing about super-important stuff like the buttonholes on the groomsmens’ suits. Caroline’s friend says the bride then asked her to make an Excel doc of wedding cake bakeries complete with pricing, contact information, flavors, and level of “prestige”—and she wanted it that same day. The bridesmaid couldn’t because—hello—she has a life and job, and caught crap from Caroline for turning it in a day late. But the bridesmaid just wrote it off as pre-wedding craziness. Nope.

After dragging her bridesmaids out dress shopping three weekends in a row, Caroline apparently found a “stunning” designer wedding dress that cost $10,500, twice her dress budget. She finally decided to just go for it, and then had the messed up idea to ask her bridesmaids to chip in.

That’s right, Caroline asked her bridesmaids to fund her wedding dress. She did it in an email with the subject line “Bridesmaid dress contribution.” In the email, Caroline detailed how she and her hubby-to-be were way over their budget now that she’d splurged on the dress, and she asked each of them to pitch in $150 toward her “dream dress.” Apparently it would mean “so much” to her, and as she walked down the aisle, she’d be wearing something they all had a part in. Barf.

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Never mind that the bridesmaids had already forked over $550 a pop for bridesmaid dresses, in addition to having to pay for a bachelorette party, bridal shower, and the three spa days Caroline wants them to take together before the wedding. This is a dress that she will wear once, you guys!

Bizarrely, three of the seven walking checkbooks bridesmaids said they were down to chip in (probably out of sheer terror of what would happen if they didn’t), but the writer of this piece wasn’t having it. “I’m starting to think I might have to bail on this wedding, and friendship,” she wrote.

Yeah…good call.

h/t: Cosmopolitan.com