A model to promote the coordination between environmental protection and agricultural development in Erhai Lake

A Model for Coordinating Environmental Protection and Agricultural Development in Erhai Lake

A Model for Coordinating Environmental Protection and Agricultural Development in Erhai Lake

Erhai Lake, located in Yunnan Province, China, is facing environmental challenges due to agricultural activities in the region. To address this issue, a sustainable model has been developed to promote the coordination between environmental protection and agricultural development in Erhai Lake.

The Importance of Environmental Protection in Erhai Lake

Erhai Lake is not only a vital water source for the local communities but also a significant ecological habitat for various plant and animal species. However, the lake has been experiencing pollution and degradation due to agricultural runoff and improper land use practices.

The Model for Coordination

The model focuses on implementing sustainable agricultural practices that minimize environmental impact while promoting economic development in the region. This includes:

  • Implementing organic farming techniques to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
  • Promoting water conservation methods to reduce water usage in agriculture
  • Encouraging crop rotation and diversification to improve soil health and biodiversity
  • Establishing buffer zones along the lake to prevent runoff and contamination

Benefits of the Model

By adopting this model, farmers in the Erhai Lake region can improve their livelihoods while protecting the environment. The model not only helps in preserving the water quality of the lake but also enhances the overall ecosystem health and biodiversity.


The coordination between environmental protection and agricultural development is crucial for the sustainable future of Erhai Lake. By implementing the model outlined above, stakeholders can work together to ensure a balance between economic growth and environmental conservation in the region.