Adaptive swarm cluster-based dynamic multi-objective synthetic minority oversampling technique algorithm for tackling binary imbalanced datasets in biomedical data classification

In classification, especially classification of a flawed dataset, the only indicator of accuracy is not persuasive. Even though it may be sharp, the results will still lead to misleading judgments and testing. The supplementary parameters used to measure and distinguish the classification model of imbalanced datasets are receiver operating characteristic area [17], F-measure (abbreviated as F-1) [18] and G-mean [19]. In this paper, we collect the F-measure and G-mean as our reference parameters. The Kappa statistic [20] is another favourable assessment index used to effectively estimate the credibility of the classification model. In the imbalanced dataset’s classification, the low Kappa value accompanied a high level of accuracy because most classification algorithms neglected the minority class samples and misclassified them in the majority class. The target class commonly takes a very small percentage in quantity; thus the number of misclassified minority class samples produces a low error rate. As a result, the precision of the trained model will encounter a serious crisis of confidence when it meets multiple target class samples in a testing dataset. However, the low Kappa statistic will directly present the credibility of the classification.

For this reason, the second objective of Kappa is implemented in our experiment to intuitively and objectively represent the consistency of the results and the reliability of classification. The theoretical range of Kappa is between ?1 and 1. There are six intervals or degrees of interpretation of a Kappa outcome from ?1 to 1 [21]: Kappa??0, less than chance agreement; 0.01???Kappa???0.20, slight agreement; 0.21???Kappa???0.40, fair agreement; 0.41???Kappa???0.60, moderate agreement; 0.61???Kappa???0.80, substantial agreement; 0.81???Kappa???1.00, almost perfect agreement. In our previous papers [22, 23], we adopted the other interpretation for Kappa to split the area into four parts with values of 0, 0.4 and 0.75, which respectively presented the meaning of meaningless, low credibility, general credibility and strong credibility. In our experiment, we have mentioned that in order to guarantee the precision and credibility of the classification mode, both accuracy and the Kappa value were our targets, which caused dynamic changes in the values. The optimisation algorithm is Swarm, the intelligence algorithm is PSO, and the assistant verification algorithm is Neural Network, which will cooperate with each other to find two suitable and best parameters (N of over-sampling rate and k neighbours) of SMOTE to synthesise the minority samples and the variation in the class distribution to remit the imbalance problem. Equations (4) and (5) are our fitness functions, which are calculated from the confusion matrix.

Note that TP, TN, FP, and FN, respectively represent true positive, true negative, false positive and false negative. P stands for positive and N for negative. Po and Pc are the measures of the percentage of agreement and the chance of agreement respectively. Neural Network is used to estimate and verify the fitness of each iteration of the PSO. Figure 3 presents a snapshot of the fluctuation patterns of accuracy and kappa as the transformation progress (from TP?=?0, TN?=?0, FP?=?100, FN?=?5 to TP?=?100, TN?=?5, FP?=?0, FN?=?0) of a confusion matrix in an imbalanced dataset classification model, G-mean and F-measure as the auxiliary metrics. In this example, there are 100 majority class samples and 5 minority class samples. At the 606th cycle of iterations, accuracy and Kappa both have reached a very high value of approximately 1. Since the two objectives are not opposing each other, a special type of optimization called the non-inferior set tactics [24] is adopted here and customized for this specific rebalancing task. Furthermore, it shows Kappa is more sensitive than the commonly used metrics of G-mean and F-measure to judge the bias of the imbalanced classification model from the confusion matrix.

The classification results are evaluated by different training and testing parts. We perform a tenfold cross validation [25, 26] to test the corresponding performance of the current dataset classification model. That means the dataset randomly is divided into ten parts averagely, and each part will take turns being the testing dataset with the other nine parts as training datasets in the repeated ten times’ classifications. The Kappa, Accuracy, G-mean and other performances of this cross-validation process are averaged from these ten classifications. Moreover, to keep the fairness of the experiment, each dataset tested Random SMOTE, SRA and proposed methods separately ten times, and the final results pertain to the mean value of the experiments.

The reason for combining cluster under-sampling and over-sampling lies in the detailed grouping of the majority dataset. For instance, if the intelligent medical diagnostic system only records and divides the collected data into two classes – gastric cancer data and other data, then there is no doubt that non-cancer cases comprise the vast majority of the whole. These samples contain many different situations, such as gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastric peroration and healthy. Hence, the cluster of non-cancer data can include more detailed illness diagnoses and narrow the imbalance ratio of the original dataset. As under-sampling and over-sampling, the proposed algorithm can be divided into two parts. Figure 1 shows the principle diagram of this algorithm, and this paper also provides the pseudo code in the below to describe the operation process.
Fig. 1

Principle of adaptive swarm clustered-based dynamic multi-objective synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE)

In the first part, the dataset is divided into majority class data and minority class data, which will be processed respectively. PSO optimized k-means clusters algorithm [27] the majority class into several categories as a strategy, and each sub-majority class dataset is combined with the minority class dataset to establish the corresponding sub-dataset, which will be reprocessed by the second part to perform over-sampling separately. The k-means algorithm is a widely used algorithm for cluster in data mining [28]. It randomly select k instances as the center of k classes, and according to the Euclidean distance, the rest instances will be respectively assigned to the closest class. Then this process will be repeated until the sum of squared error of the centre converge. Thus the initial defended value of k and the center of classes for k-means directly impact the cluster effect. PSO has strong global searching ability which helps k-means to avoid falling local-best. Since internal information sharing between particles in the population in each iteration, the results converge rapidly and steadily. The fitness function of PSO optimized k-means cluster algorithm adopts the Euclidean distance as its fitness function to find out the appropriate center of the classes. Moreover, compared with the previous methods [29, 30], in order to find the global best solution in this step, there are two termination conditions assisting PSO to obtain a reasonable k value of k-means (where k is the number of clusters). The first condition is that the number of clusters must be greater than one, and the second is that the minimum value of Kappa in all of the classification results of the numerous sub-datasets must be greater than 0.2. Here, the classifier still implements the Neural Network. Therefore, PSO can assist k-means adaptively find out the proper centre of classes and the value of K to overcome weakness of the traditional k-means algorithm. Furthermore, in a new sub-dataset, if the original minority class samples overcome the other class samples in quantity, Neural Network will directly classify this sub-dataset. Otherwise this dataset will perform the over-sampling operation.

In Equation (8), p
stands for all performances (Kappa, Accuracy, G-mean, F-measure, etc.) of each sub-dataset and c is the number of clusters. Figure 2 is the flow chart that presents our algorithm’s second part. The concept of non-inferior [24] sets was adopted in the PSO to solve the dynamical multi-objective problem. In the initial step, algorithm filters and produces the non-inferior set; filtering will input a particle that is not controlled by the others into the non-inferior set, which will casually offer a solution as the global best before the particles update. Then, because the new particles are not handled by the other particles and the particles non-inferior set, these particles will be input into the non-inferior set to update it. Meanwhile, a particle will be randomly selected from the non-inferior set as the global best before swarm renewal. During the process of iteration, the particles’ update criteria include accuracy and Kappa of the older particle that are worse than the new; one of accuracy and Kappa of the new particle is better than the older one, and the absolute value of the other index’s difference of the new and older is smaller than the defined tolerance; the Kappa value is smaller than the current threshold value of Kappa (0.2, 0.4, 0.6 or 0.8). When a new particle satisfies any criteria, it will replace the older one, or this position will be randomly removed. Because the results in the non-inferior set are commonly more than one, we select the solution whose product of Kappa and accuracy is the best as the final result of this sub-dataset. Meanwhile, we name the product as having reliable accuracy for this improved performance.
Fig. 2

Flow chart of dynamic multi-objective SMOTE (SDMRA)

Direct Neural Network, SMOTE?+?Neural Network, Random-SMOTE [31], and our forgoing version of SRA (PSO SMOTE)?+?Neural Network constitute the comparison benchmark. We generate the completely balanced dataset with SMOTE. Random-SMOTE is used to randomly pick out parameters for SMOTE to generate a new dataset, using the average of ten times of Random-SMOTE as the ultimate result of each dataset. PSO SMOTE (SRA) has two update conditions, based on the requirements that Kappa will be greater than the fixed Kappa threshold (0.4), and that the accuracy must be greater than that of the previous position. In the experiments, the populations of the PSO and the maximum iteration are 20 and 100, respectively. Note that Matlab (version 2014) has been utilized to code and compile the whole program, and the operating and computing environment for all experiments is in the workstation with CPU: CPU: E5-1650 V2 @ 3.50 GHz, RAM: 32 GB.

The target of our experiment is the binary classification problem. We obtained our seven biomedical or bioinformatics datasets from Ding [32] and UCI [33]. Some multi-class datasets were also modified by Ding to be binary classes as the target is needed or to take the tiny proportion. Table 1 presents information on the datasets. The Imb.Ratio is the ratio between the majority class and the minority class, ranging from 5.7:1 to 42:1. The target indicates the minority class in the dataset. The selected dataset contains the clinic dataset of thoracic surgery, disease datasets of thyroid sick and Arrhythmia; the biological image dataset of mammography; and the microbiological dataset of E. coli and yeast. Thus it can be seen that the imbalanced dataset appeared in different orientations of the biologic domain.

Table 1

Information of our biomedical datasets