And the Most Bacon-Obsessed State Is…

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The least bacon-centric state? Hawaii’s love for bacon clocked in at 48 percent below the national average (probably ‘cuz they’re posting about poke bowls, instead). Kansas was also not that into bacon—surprising, considering that they’re neighbors with Nebraska.

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As if that wasn’t enough, the map also offers fun facts (all bacon facts are fun facts, FYI) when you click on each state.  Here are some of our faves:

  • “According to Illinois folklore, to get rid of a wart you can rub it with salt bacon, swing it around your head thirty times, then bury it under an oak tree.”
  • “One of the games available in the New Hampshire lottery involves a bacon-scented scratchcard.”
  • “Las Vegas is home to the United Church of Bacon. The parody church’s 8th commandment is ‘Praise bacon.’”

Sure, using Instagram isn’t necessarily the most scientific approach to assessing bacon’s popularity, but it sure looks good.