Ask JJ: Optimized Brain Health

Dear JJ: I read about your son’s tragic hit-and-run accident a few years ago and how you became a big brain-health advocate. Without taking extreme measures like swallowing fistfuls of supplements, what are some easy ways to promote my brain from age-related damage and decline?

In our quest for perfect abs, brain health often gets short shift. That’s too bad, because when our brains suffer, everything else suffers.

I learned that firsthand in a most nightmarish way: My then-16-year-old son Grant was struck by a hit-and-run driver in September 2012.

Obviously, there’s never a good time for that to happen, but I was literally in the midst of launching The Virgin Diet. Many people, including my publishers, depended on me during that time, and I couldn’t let them down.

Doctors told me to let Grant go, but any parent knows that isn’t an option for one millisecond. Instead, I became proactive, worked with some of the country’s best brain specialists, and developed a brain-support protocol that allowed Grant not only to survive but thrive.

Hopefully, you never need experience what I went through to appreciate optimal brain health. Whether you want to fight dementia or just keep your mind sharp as you age, these 10 simple, science-based, powerful strategies can optimize brain health.

1. Dump the sweet stuff. Sugar can become really bad news for brain health by making you stressed, tired, and groggy.

2. Eat healthy fats. Your brain is about 60 percent fat, so it makes sense to feed it good fats. If you need something to tide you over between meals, opt for slow-roasted or dehydrated nuts and seeds. Eat plenty of wild-caught fish. If you’re not a fish fan or don’t eat it often enough, supplement with a professional-quality fish oil. And who doesn’t love fiber- and fat-rich avocado?

3. Make an oil change. Swap your brain-unfriendly inflammatory omega-6 heavy vegetable oils for extra-virgin olive oil (drizzling), olive oil (sautéing), and extra-virgin coconut oil (high-heat cooking)

4. Eat brain-boosting foods. My favorites include tomatoes, which come loaded with brain-boosting lycopene. Blueberries also have the powerful ability to help protect our brain and improve memory. Throw frozen or fresh organic blueberries in your shakes. href=” target=”_hplink”

5. Upgrade your meat.. Grass-fed beef contains way more healthy omega-3 fats compared to regular beef.

6. Keep your java (but upgrade). Yes, coffee can be brain-protective, but choose organic and mycotoxin-free whenever possible.

7. Go fermented. Sauerkraut and other fermented foods contain gut-healing probiotics. The majority of your immune system exists in your gut, which also manufactures your feel-good neurotransmitter serotonin. Researchers continue to find links between your brain and gut.

8. Skip the plastic. Store foods and liquids in glass liquid. Dump, or recycle the plastic bottles for reusable canteen bottles.

9. Drink up. Your brain and nervous system require proper amounts of water to function properly, and your brain is about 85 percent water. Drink at least 64 ounces of filtered water daily. If that sounds like torture, liven it up with a little lemon or lime.

10. Get sufficient D. Studies link low levels of Vitamin D with poor brain function. Even if you’re getting sufficient sunshine (15 – 20 minutes unexposed several times a week) and eating vitamin D-rich food sources like wild salmon, you’ll probably still need to supplement with vitamin D.

Your turn: What strategy would YOU add to optimize brain health? Share yours below, and keep those great questions coming at [email protected].