‘Branded access offers’ dilute parent brand via perceived lack of consumer commitment: Study

Branded Access Offers: Study on Diluting Parent Brand

Branded Access Offers: Study on Diluting Parent Brand

A recent study has shed light on the potential impact of branded access offers on consumer commitment to the parent brand. The study suggests that such offers may dilute the perceived level of commitment consumers have towards the parent brand.

Understanding Branded Access Offers

Branded access offers refer to promotions or deals that provide consumers with access to a product or service under a specific brand. While these offers can attract new customers and drive sales, they may also have unintended consequences for the parent brand.

Perceived Lack of Consumer Commitment

The study found that when consumers are exposed to branded access offers, they may perceive the parent brand as less exclusive or premium. This perception can lead to a decrease in consumer commitment to the parent brand, as consumers may feel less loyal or connected to it.

Implications for Brand Strategy

For brands considering the use of branded access offers, it is important to weigh the short-term benefits against the potential long-term impact on brand perception and consumer commitment. Brands should carefully evaluate how such offers align with their overall brand strategy and positioning.


Branded access offers can be a powerful tool for attracting new customers and driving sales. However, brands must be mindful of the potential impact on consumer commitment to the parent brand. By understanding the implications of these offers, brands can make informed decisions that support their long-term brand goals.

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