Can Avoiding Acidic Foods Help You Lose Weight?

The Alkaline Diet, or so-called pee strip diet, is having a moment. According to the New York Post, celebs like Kelly Ripa and Jennifer Aniston are fans of the plan, which requires you to monitor your pH levels by peeing on a strip of paper that tests your urine. Fun right?

The theory is that certain foods (and not always obviously acidic ones like lemons and tomatoes) are said to produce acidic by-products when digested, which can throw off your pH balance and lead to weight gain. Proponents of the diet say you should swap acid-forming eats (meat, eggs, dairy, processed foods, and most grains) for high-alkaline fruits, vegetables, beans, tofu, nuts, and seeds to correct your body’s pH and magically torch fat. (Hit the reset button—and burn fat like crazy with The Body Clock Diet!) But does it work?