Cicada-palooza! Billions of bugs to blanket America


Cicada-palooza! Billions of Bugs to Blanket America

Cicada-palooza! Billions of Bugs to Blanket America

Get ready for the ultimate insect invasion as billions of cicadas are set to emerge across America in what is being dubbed as Cicada-palooza! This natural phenomenon occurs once every 17 years, and it is a sight to behold as these noisy insects take over the landscape.

What is Cicada-palooza?

Cicada-palooza refers to the mass emergence of periodical cicadas, a type of insect that spends most of its life underground feeding on tree roots. After 17 years, these cicadas emerge from the ground in large numbers to mate and lay eggs before dying off. This event is a crucial part of their life cycle and plays a significant role in the ecosystem.

When and Where to Expect Cicada-palooza

The upcoming Cicada-palooza is expected to occur in various parts of the United States, with different broods emerging at different times. The most anticipated brood for 2021 is Brood X, which is set to emerge in the eastern United States, including states like Maryland, Virginia, and Ohio. The emergence is expected to begin in late spring and last for several weeks.

What to Expect During Cicada-palooza

During Cicada-palooza, you can expect to see and hear billions of cicadas buzzing around trees, shrubs, and other vegetation. The males will produce loud mating calls to attract females, creating a cacophony of noise that can be heard from miles away. While the sheer number of cicadas may seem overwhelming, they are harmless to humans and pets.

How to Prepare for Cicada-palooza

If you live in an area where Cicada-palooza is expected to occur, there are a few steps you can take to prepare. Make sure to protect young trees and shrubs by covering them with netting to prevent cicadas from laying eggs on them. You may also want to avoid outdoor activities during peak cicada hours to minimize contact with the insects.


Cicada-palooza is a fascinating natural event that showcases the resilience and beauty of these unique insects. While the sight and sound of billions of cicadas may be overwhelming, it is a reminder of the wonders of nature and the importance of biodiversity. So, get ready to witness Cicada-palooza and marvel at the spectacle of billions of bugs blanketing America!

Cicada-palooza, including what it is, when and where to expect it, what to expect during the event, and how to prepare for it. .