Creatinc launches new angle-adjustable pen for hospital staff and patients

Creatinc has launched the Bendy Pen, specifically designed to let you write from all angles: up, down and sideways. This way, bedridden patients can write while lying back and medical staff can make notes on the fly. The project is now live on Kickstarter:

Ideal tool for healthcare sector

“When you write standing up or lying back with a regular pen, the ink stops flowing,” explains Vikram Swaminadhan from Creatinc. “That’s because it is designed for writing downwards. But the Bendy Pen isn’t: it keeps working. This makes it a very useful tool in health institutions, where patients have to fill out forms while lying on their back and doctors and nurses need to check or sign forms on the fly.” Cardiologist Dr. Anil Nigam of the Montreal Heart Institute confirms this: “I can see these pens as being extremely useful for patients and staff.”

No rocket science, just gravity

“NASA developed a pressurized Space Pen in 1965, because astronauts couldn’t count on gravity to use regular pens,” says Swaminadhan. “It cost them a lot of money and the pen never really caught on in the consumer market. The Bendy Pen is way easier: it uses the principle of a bendable drinking straw. You bend it the way you want to, and it keeps its position.”

The goal: Bendy Pens for everyone

The project is live on Kickstarter until December 24th. There, people can pledge any amount they want to support it. Creatinc hopes to raise at least $30,000 to cover for the production and transport costs. As of now, they are on track with over $16,000, but they hope to raise a lot more: “With more funds, we could add stylus tips. And produce disposable versions in bioplastic, that have a second life as re-usable straws or pea-shooters which shoot around corners. Anyone who uses a pen can now write a post-it sideways on the fridge, do their homework on the couch, or scribble an idea in bed,” say the inventors.

Inventors share their insights

The Bendy Pen is the result of a creative thinking process, which anyone can learn according to Swaminadhan and Boulanger. “To prove that, we give away e-books about inventing for free, along with the Bendy Pens to anyone who pledges,” explains Swaminadhan. “These e-books are the result of teaching Creative Thinking to children and adults for over seven years. Pledgers will receive The Inventors Handbook and, depending on the pledge amount, also The Creation Formula and the Unlock Your Creative Genius modules.”