Cuteness Break: The Genial Quokka Steals Scenes And Hearts


A photo from by the Taronga Zoo shows a six-month-old Quokka, a marsupial that has made it a hit on social media.

Taronga Zoo/EPA /LANDOV

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Taronga Zoo/EPA /LANDOV

A photo from by the Taronga Zoo shows a six-month-old Quokka, a marsupial that has made it a hit on social media.

A photo from by the Taronga Zoo shows a six-month-old Quokka, a marsupial that has made it a hit on social media.

Taronga Zoo/EPA /LANDOV

We’ll get back to the day’s serious news soon — but for now, we wanted to be sure you’re aware of the insanely cute Quokka, a small furry animal that in recent months has become a favorite photo partner in Australia.

The quokka had a flurry of fame early last year, when it was called “the happiest animal in the world,” due to the natural (and photogenic) curl of its mouth and what seems to be a friendly nature. Now people are taking photos with the marsupial that lives in southwestern Australia.

Quokka selfie #selfie #quokkaselfie #rottnest #quokka #perth

A photo posted by Perth AU