Early signs of Parkinson’s disease ‘lurk all over the body

Parkinson’s disease could be detected in your liver years before it takes hold, a new study reveals.

The progressive neurological disease slowly destroys sufferers’ ability to control tremors and movement.

It is currently diagnosed by doctors looking out for signs of rigidity and red flags in your medical history. They focus on the brain in particular. 

But a landmark study by the Van Andel Research Institute suggests the disease could be spotted – and potentially stopped – much earlier.

New research shows Parkinson's could be spotted in the liver, suggesting it could be linked to inflammation

New research shows Parkinson’s could be spotted in the liver, suggesting it could be linked to inflammation


Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disease.

It is marked by tremor, rigidity and loss of voluntary movement, among other non-motor symptoms. 

Between seven and 10 million people globally have the disease. 

Of those, the majority of cases have no known cause although scientist suspect a mix of genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors. 

The researchers found tiny changes in DNA that have been linked to Parkinson’s were lurking in far reaches of the body, including the liver, fat, immune cells, and developmental cells.

It adds to recent research suggesting the disease could be linked to inflammation.  

The findings, published in Scientific Reports on Thursday, could unlock a new field of research for preventative interventions to stop the disease before it sets in.  

‘When we looked at the data, we were quite surprised to see the variation in tissue types,’ said Gerry Coetzee, a professor at Van Andel Research Institute (VARI) and the study’s corresponding author. 

‘Ultimately, if we can more precisely define risk factors for Parkinson’s, we can develop ways to mitigate them early on. 

‘We still have a long way to go but these findings are some of the first steps down that path.’

Just five to 10 per cent of Parkinson’s diagnoses are genetic.

The rest are a mystery. 

The prevailing theory is a mix of genetic and environmental factors create a perfect storm, which force abnormal proteins to clump together and spread through the brain.

Those abnormal proteins kill cells that produce a chemical called dopamine, which is vital for voluntary movement.

Now, Coetzee, the team at VARI, and collaborators at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles have identified some tiny DNA changes that also contribute to the disease. 

The changes are incredibly small.

However, an accumulation of these changes can significantly heighten a person’s risk for developing Parkinson’s.

According to Professor Coetzee, it can be likened to dropping sand onto a scale. A single grain will have little effect, but if enough grains are added, the balance will tip.

To investigate these changes, the team analyzed 21 ‘risk areas’ in 77 cell types.

Of these, the team found 12 common ‘risk areas’ that were saturated with the mutant DNA that leads to Parkinson’s.

Intriguingly, only one of these was in the brain’s movement control center. 

The disease is currently  diagnosed by doctors looking out for signs of rigidity and  medical history

The disease is currently  diagnosed by doctors looking out for signs of rigidity and medical history

Others were found in liver, fat, immune and developmental cells. 

Three of the risk loci were found in immune cells, a promising finding as evidence suggests that Parkinson’s may be linked to inflammation, the immune system’s reaction to help fight off threats.

‘Only a small percentage of Parkinson’s cases are familial and have a clear and well-defined genetic inheritance. The remaining cases develop the disease seemingly at random,’ said Dr Patrik Brundin, director of VARI’s Center for Neurodegenerative Science and one of the study’s authors. 

‘The emerging view is that Parkinson’s is more of a syndrome – a defined set of clinical symptoms and some shared features of brain pathology – with a diverse set of underlying causes. 

‘One surprising finding in our study is that only one gene locus was clearly linked to the brain while others were associated with tissues throughout the body. 

‘This supports the emerging theory that Parkinson’s is a disorder that can be caused by disruptions in cellular processes in many locations, not just one. 

‘Furthermore, for the disease to develop in one person there has to be an unfortunate combination of a genetic predisposition and, as yet undefined, environmental insults.’