Embracing New Projects This Spring

Spring is here! For those of you who live where it gets cold, it’s easy to see the world re-awaken with budding flowers and trees, birds returning and people emerging from their houses.

On social media, my New England friends post pictures of golden daffodils and patches of grass appearing after the deluge of snow.

Even in Florida, there are signs of spring (mostly because everyone complains about their allergies) but I smell the orange blossoms and see the palms flowering. The signs are more subtle here and disappear fast.

After the season of winter, a time of dormancy, spring is a wonderful time to re-awaken.

When I apply my own self-process into the natural life cycle, I quickly understand the need for stasis before activity. This has enabled me to embrace the stillness, the emptiness, the waiting — the winter before spring.

But now this season of gestation is over, the seeds are awakening, ready to germinate and create new life, new beginnings, new opportunities.

What does this spring hold for you? What projects have lain dormant and are now ready to have new life breathed into them?

Spring is a time of shifting so this season may require a re-orientation or perhaps even some re-prioritizing. I suppose that’s why we spring clean — to brush out the old and make way for the new.

For me, it’s simple. There are natural projects that yearn for my attention and it’s time for me to plant and get my hands dirty in the earth. It is also a time to delve deeper into a few creative ventures I’m currently undertaking primarily focused on writing and course development.

So as you approach this spring season, what opportunities are lying in wait for you? Is it time to make a move, start a new class, finish up a project that’s been lingering?

Ask for guidance from within and you’ll know what awaits you. Bring yourself back in alignment with nature and allow this awakening energy to stir your inner voice and creativity.

Shakti Sutriasa is the Founder of DecideDifferently.com, a personal development company offering coaching, counseling and workshops. Her unique approach combines modern psychology and spirituality to support people seeking positive change and self-transformation. Shakti is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and has an MA in Education.

Learn more at DecideDifferently.com