Enhanced superconductivity in monolayer FeSe films on SrTiO₃(001) via metallic δ-doping

Enhanced Superconductivity in Monolayer FeSe Films on SrTiO₃(001) via Metallic δ-Doping

Enhanced Superconductivity in Monolayer FeSe Films on SrTiO₃(001) via Metallic δ-Doping

Superconductivity is a fascinating phenomenon in which certain materials exhibit zero electrical resistance and the expulsion of magnetic fields when cooled below a critical temperature. In recent years, researchers have been exploring ways to enhance superconducting properties in various materials, with a particular focus on monolayer FeSe films on SrTiO₃(001) substrates through metallic δ-doping.

The Role of Metallic δ-Doping

Metallic δ-doping involves introducing a small amount of a metallic element, such as potassium or cobalt, into the FeSe film to modify its electronic structure and enhance its superconducting properties. This process can lead to an increase in the critical temperature at which superconductivity occurs, as well as improvements in the material’s critical current density and other key parameters.

Enhanced Superconductivity in Monolayer FeSe Films

Monolayer FeSe films have attracted significant attention due to their unique electronic properties and potential for high-temperature superconductivity. When grown on SrTiO₃(001) substrates and subjected to metallic δ-doping, these films have been shown to exhibit enhanced superconducting behavior compared to bulk FeSe samples.

Experimental Findings

Experimental studies have revealed that metallic δ-doping can induce a significant increase in the critical temperature of monolayer FeSe films on SrTiO₃(001). This enhancement is attributed to the modification of the electronic band structure and the introduction of additional charge carriers into the material.

Implications for Superconducting Applications

The enhanced superconductivity observed in monolayer FeSe films on SrTiO₃(001) via metallic δ-doping holds promise for various technological applications. These materials could be used in the development of high-performance superconducting devices, such as quantum computers, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, and energy-efficient power transmission systems.


In conclusion, the study of enhanced superconductivity in monolayer FeSe films on SrTiO₃(001) through metallic δ-doping represents a significant advancement in the field of superconductivity research. By manipulating the electronic properties of these materials, researchers are paving the way for the development of next-generation superconducting technologies with improved performance and efficiency.