EU questions TikTok over new Lite app in France, Spain

EU Questions TikTok Over New Lite App in France, Spain

EU Questions TikTok Over New Lite App in France, Spain

The European Union has recently expressed concerns regarding TikTok’s launch of a new Lite app in France and Spain. This move has sparked questions about data privacy, security, and compliance with EU regulations.

The Lite version of the popular social media platform is designed to be more lightweight and data-friendly, making it accessible to users with limited internet connectivity. However, the EU has raised issues about how user data is being handled and whether TikTok is fully transparent about its data practices.

As a result, the EU is conducting a thorough investigation into TikTok’s new Lite app to ensure that it complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant data protection laws. This scrutiny highlights the growing importance of data privacy and security in the digital age.

TikTok, owned by Chinese company ByteDance, has faced scrutiny from regulators around the world over its data practices and potential national security risks. The launch of the Lite app in France and Spain has brought these concerns to the forefront once again.

It remains to be seen how TikTok will address the EU’s questions and whether any changes will be made to the Lite app to address data privacy concerns. In the meantime, users are advised to be cautious about the information they share on social media platforms and to stay informed about data protection regulations.

Stay tuned for updates on the EU’s investigation into TikTok’s new Lite app in France and Spain.