EU rules policing digital content kick in Saturday

EU Rules Policing Digital Content Kick In Saturday

EU Rules Policing Digital Content Kick In Saturday

Starting this Saturday, new European Union (EU) rules will come into effect to regulate and police digital content across member states. These rules aim to ensure a safer and more transparent online environment for users.

What are the new EU rules?

The new EU rules, known as the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA), are designed to address various challenges posed by digital platforms and online services. The DSA focuses on regulating online content, while the DMA aims to promote fair competition in the digital market.

Key provisions of the Digital Services Act (DSA)

  • Transparency obligations: Online platforms will be required to provide clear information about their terms and conditions, content moderation policies, and advertising practices.
  • Content moderation: Platforms will have to implement effective measures to combat illegal content, such as hate speech, terrorist propaganda, and counterfeit products.
  • Complaint mechanisms: Users will have the right to report and seek redress for content removal or account suspension decisions made by platforms.
  • Cooperation with authorities: Platforms will be obliged to cooperate with national authorities and law enforcement agencies to combat illegal activities online.

Key provisions of the Digital Markets Act (DMA)

  • Gatekeeper designation: Certain large online platforms will be designated as “gatekeepers” and subject to additional obligations to ensure fair competition.
  • Prohibition of unfair practices: Gatekeepers will be prohibited from engaging in practices that limit competition, such as self-preferencing or unfair data access restrictions.
  • Greater data portability: Users will have the right to easily switch between different online platforms while taking their data with them.
  • Enhanced oversight: A new Digital Markets Advisory Committee will be established to provide guidance and advice on the implementation of the DMA.

Implications for digital content providers and platforms

These new EU rules will have significant implications for digital content providers and platforms operating within the EU. They will need to ensure compliance with the transparency obligations, implement effective content moderation measures, and establish mechanisms for user complaints and redress.

Gatekeeper platforms will face additional obligations to promote fair competition, avoid unfair practices, and facilitate data portability. They may also be subject to increased scrutiny and oversight by the Digital Markets Advisory Committee.


The new EU rules on policing digital content, set to kick in this Saturday, represent a significant step towards creating a safer and more transparent online environment. By regulating online platforms and promoting fair competition, these rules aim to protect users and ensure a level playing field in the digital market.