Finding Purpose in the Universe

When I was 17 my purpose was to ram my 150 pound body into other soccer players as hard, as fast, and as violently as I could. Making sure no opponent scored a goal on my team was my top priority and as the enforcer, I learned to reach a level of fulfillment that still creates a sense of nostalgia.

Since those adolescent years my purpose has gradually changed as I have matured. Experiences owning a business and going to prison have shaped me into a more mature, conscious, and evolved man.

That evolution has brought forth a new purpose; one that focuses on how I can create a world of unconditional love. This will change too. Like the direction of the wind, purpose is fleeting and ever changing.

Finding Your Purpose

Purpose is a daunting word. When I used to think of purpose, I thought of a single thing I was meant to do for my entire life. That’s a lot of responsibility. It sounded a lot like a profession to me.

In The Way of the Superior Man, David Deida discusses our concentric rings of purpose. When I was younger and less mature, it was playing soccer and achieving my fullest in that arena. In college and immediately following, it was about creating a business and making it profitable. Today, it is about leveraging my experiences to teach others about love for themselves and others.

As you evolve, so will your purpose. Do not judge where your purpose is in this moment. As you fulfill your mission and learn from it, your journey will show you the next step. Your purpose will change as you do.

In the western world, we want things in our hands or possession. It seems once we find our purpose, we can place it in a bottle, put it on the mantel, and revisit it every time we have guests or forget. I don’t believe this is useful.

If you follow your purpose, you will never be more fulfilled. A man who wants to study psychology and help others will feel miserable being an engineer. Your purpose is not the same as your career, but if you want to have a fulfilled and meaningful life, it benefits you to follow your true calling.

You don’t need to work for a charity organization to fulfill a higher purpose. My current project is a supplement business, but I consider it an extension of me and infuse my authenticity, vulnerability, and desire for connection. I hope to change the supplement industry and make an impact on each person who visits my site whether they buy or not. My business is fused with unconditional love. My friend Brandon Leibowitz wants to help small business use technology more efficiently. You can find that balance too.

In Paulo Coelho’s book The Alchemist, he relates that the universe will conspire to help you achieve your true purpose if you are following that path. Sometimes it takes years and a lot of pain, but if you keep your eyes and mind open, it will come to you.

Prison and a brief relationship with a girl were painful, but the greatest gifts I could receive. The universe gifted that to me to go forth and teach others. Now, I feel more fulfilled by teaching and speaking with others than I have ever felt before.

Faith in the Process

Faith has religious connotations, but I’m not a religious man at all.

I do believe each one of us has a gift and a journey to find and share this gift with others. The universe, God, Shiva, Allah, whatever will test you along the way, but have faith in the process. Surrender to the journey that is meant for you.