Fitness trackers find new symptom of depression—body temperature

Fitness Trackers Discover New Symptom of Depression – Body Temperature

Fitness Trackers Discover New Symptom of Depression – Body Temperature

Depression is a complex mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While there are various symptoms associated with depression, researchers have recently discovered a new potential indicator – body temperature fluctuations.

The Role of Fitness Trackers

Fitness trackers have gained popularity in recent years for their ability to monitor various aspects of our health and well-being. These wearable devices can track our heart rate, sleep patterns, and physical activity levels. However, recent studies have shown that they can also provide valuable insights into our mental health.

Body Temperature and Depression

Research has found a correlation between depression and abnormal body temperature patterns. Individuals with depression often experience fluctuations in their body temperature, such as feeling excessively cold or hot. These temperature changes can occur throughout the day and may be unrelated to external factors.

By using fitness trackers equipped with temperature sensors, researchers have been able to collect data on body temperature patterns in individuals with depression. This data has revealed significant differences compared to those without depression.

Potential Benefits of Monitoring Body Temperature

The discovery of body temperature fluctuations as a potential symptom of depression opens up new possibilities for monitoring and managing mental health conditions. Fitness trackers can provide individuals and healthcare professionals with valuable data that can aid in the diagnosis and treatment of depression.

Monitoring body temperature patterns can help identify early signs of depression or track the effectiveness of treatment interventions. It can also assist in distinguishing depression from other conditions with similar symptoms.


Fitness trackers have revolutionized the way we monitor our physical health, and now they are proving to be valuable tools in understanding and managing mental health conditions like depression. The discovery of body temperature fluctuations as a potential symptom of depression highlights the importance of utilizing technology to gain deeper insights into our well-being.

As further research is conducted in this area, fitness trackers equipped with temperature sensors may become an integral part of mental health monitoring and treatment. By leveraging these devices, we can enhance our understanding of depression and improve the lives of those affected by this debilitating condition.