Got Insomnia? Trade Your Cappuccino in for a Macaccino and Get a Good Night’s Sleep

According to Harvard Medical School people who get insufficient sleep place themselves at risk for major health issues including heart disease, obesity, compromised immune systems and early mortality.

As Arianna Huffington describes in her best-selling book, “Thrive,” restorative sleep is essential to overall well-being and happiness.

Obviously, over-consumption of coffee and caffeine can greatly effect our bodies’ ability to receive deep, restorative sleep. Drinking coffee creates the illusion of having energy because caffeine increases neuron firing which in turn cause our pituitary glands to secrete more adrenalin which triggers our bodies into “fight or flight” mode. This release of adrenalin can increase our heart rates and blood pressure but does not produce sustainable healthy energy. It’s just a spike. And what goes up must come down: we all have experienced caffeine or sugar crashes in the middle of the day and had to sneak off for a nap – right?

I recently discovered a great alternative to coffee: it’s an instant superfood drink that tastes like a combination of coffee and hot chocolate and is loaded with amino acids, healthy fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. The drink is called a “Macaccino” and it is made of a roasted blend of Maca plant roots, cocoa, mesquite powder and spices.

WebMD says, “Maca is a plant that grows in central Peru in the high plateaus of the Andes mountains. It has been cultivated as a vegetable crop in Peru for at least 3000 years. Maca is a relative of the radish and has an odor similar to butterscotch. Its root is used to make medicine.”

For a few weeks I have been drinking Macaccinos instead of coffee and it gives me energy throughout the day without the peaks and valleys that I get from caffeine. Macaccinos are 100% organic and require a fraction of the water to produce them in comparison to coffee.

Check out this tasting video below and try one if you want to enjoy a new type of pleasant, steady energy thoughout the day that doesn’t disrupt your sleep at night: