Hospitals: Best and worst NHS trusts in England for patient safety

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (98.63)

Chelsea and Westminster hospital NHS Foundation Trust (97.26)

St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust (97.26)

South Tees Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (95.89)

Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust (94.52)

Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (94.52)

Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust (93.84)

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (93.84)

North Bristol NHS Trust (93.15)

East Kent Hospitals University NHS Trust (92.47)

Trafford Healthcare NHS Trust (92.47)

Airedale NHS Trust (91.78)

Trusts in Band 1, the worst safety rating (and their patient safety scores)

Hereford Hospitals NHS Trust (6.85)

Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Trust (6.16)

Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (6.16)

St Helens and Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust (5.48)

South London Healthcare NHS Trust (4.79)

Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation (4.79)

University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust (4.79)

Weston Area Health NHS Trust (4.11)

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust (3.42)

The Lewisham Hospital NHS Trust (3.42)

Scarborough and North East Yorkshire Health Care NHS Trust (2.05)

Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (0)