How a Dude’s Facial Hair Affects Your Odds of Having a Relationship with Him

For the study, researchers showed more than 8,500 women computer-generated images of male faces. The images had a variety of facial hair—none, a light stubble, a heavy stubble, and full-on beards. Researchers also altered the guy’s brow ridge, cheekbones, jawline, and other features to make the same guy appear more or less masculine. Then, they asked women to rate the attractiveness of the images for different types of relationships

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Apparently we all dig at least some level of a hairy face: Stubble was ranked as the most attractive look overall, especially with women who were interested in short-term relationships (see: hookups). But bearded guys won out when it came to picking an attractive man for the long haul. Clean-shaven guys who had extremely feminine or extremely masculine faces were rated as the least attractive, regardless of what kind of relationship a woman was looking for.

What’s the connection? Researchers say beards suggest guys are more fertile and masculine, which makes us subconsciously think that they’d be able to make babies, take out a shark with his bare hands, chop wood like a champ, and do other rugged things.

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Lack of facial hair, on the other hand, suggests on a subconscious level that he hasn’t hit puberty yet and therefore can’t help us get pregnant. (At least with stubble, we know it’s possible—he’s just holding back on going all-out with a beard.)

So, just a memo for dudes: If you’re interested in having a serious relationship, put down the razor. But, if you want to max out your hotness for all women, maybe skip a shave every other day and let your stubble shine through.