How Long You Should Wait to Have Sex After a Getting a Bikini Wax and Other Beauty Treatments

Let’s get to it:

Bikini Wax or Laser Hair Removal
Wait time: Give it 24 hours
“Both of these treatments temporarily disrupt the hair follicle, so you may be prone to irritation or infection in the hours following these procedures,” says Emily Wise, M.D., a Massachusetts-based dermatologist. (Yikes: Research shows those tiny tears in your skin from waxing can increase your risk of contracting certain STIs like HPV and herpes.) Hold off for a full day after treatment—all that bodily friction on your inflamed (newly hairless) parts is probably going to be uncomfortable anyway, says Wise.

RELATED: 7 Things You Didn’t Know About Laser Hair Removal

Resurfacing Peels and Lasers
Wait time: Give it a few hours
There’s a pretty big range of intensity when it comes to peels and lasers, so you may walk out feeling totally fine or like you (quite literally) just lost the top layer of your face. It’s safe to have sex, but if you’re swollen, raw, and red post-treatment, consider keeping downstairs on lock until that stinging subsides. 

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Wait time: Give it 24 hours
You might be able to get by with a really tame quickie, but “we tell patients to avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours after Botox,” says Wise. The Botox needs a hot minute to to bind to the nerve, or the injection could spread around to other parts of your face. In other words, hanging upside down in a reverse 69 or smashing your face up against his in an aggressive make-out session immediately after could be a risky move.  

Spray Tan
Wait time: Give it a few hours
Unless you’ve been marinating in your fake tan for hours and it’s totally dry, a sweaty romp has the potential to wipe that thing right off (splotching up your sheets or your partner.) Then there’s the fact that spray tans smell a little like pee, and if you forget about the tan and hop in the shower together he might wonder why the water’s brown. Just some things to consider.

Regular Manicures
Wait time: Good to Go
Hey, if you can get after it without using your hands, be our guest. But there’s nothing more vexing than sitting in the mani chair for an hour and then smudging a finger two hours later when it felt deceptively dry. It’s like being lied to in the worst way.