How secure is your security camera? Hackers can spy on cameras through walls, new research finds

How Secure is Your Security Camera? Hackers Can Spy on Cameras Through Walls, New Research Finds

How Secure is Your Security Camera? Hackers Can Spy on Cameras Through Walls, New Research Finds

Security cameras have become an essential part of our lives, providing us with peace of mind and a sense of security. However, recent research has revealed a concerning vulnerability in these devices. Hackers can now spy on security cameras through walls, posing a significant threat to our privacy and safety.

The Vulnerability

A team of researchers conducted a study to assess the security of various security camera models commonly used in homes and businesses. They discovered that certain cameras transmit signals that can be intercepted and exploited by hackers, allowing them to view the camera’s feed even when they are physically separated by walls.

This vulnerability arises from the use of wireless technology in these cameras. While wireless connectivity offers convenience and flexibility, it also opens up avenues for potential security breaches. Hackers can intercept the wireless signals emitted by the camera and gain unauthorized access to the video feed.

The Implications

The implications of this vulnerability are far-reaching. Hackers can exploit this security flaw to invade our privacy, monitor our activities, and gather sensitive information. Whether it’s a home security camera or a surveillance system in a business, the potential for unauthorized access poses a significant risk.

Furthermore, hackers can use the compromised camera as a gateway to gain access to other devices connected to the same network. This can lead to further privacy breaches and even compromise the security of other connected devices, such as computers, smartphones, or smart home systems.

Protecting Your Security Camera

While the discovery of this vulnerability is concerning, there are steps you can take to enhance the security of your security camera:

  1. Choose a reputable brand: Opt for security cameras from trusted manufacturers known for their commitment to security.
  2. Update firmware regularly: Keep your camera’s firmware up to date to ensure that any known vulnerabilities are patched.
  3. Change default settings: Modify default usernames and passwords to unique, strong credentials to prevent easy access by hackers.
  4. Enable encryption: Use cameras that support encryption protocols to secure the transmission of video feeds.
  5. Segment your network: Separate your security camera’s network from other devices to minimize the potential impact of a breach.
  6. Disable remote access: If you don’t require remote access to your camera, disable this feature to reduce the risk of unauthorized access.


As technology advances, so do the methods employed by hackers to exploit vulnerabilities. The recent discovery that security cameras can be hacked through walls is a stark reminder of the importance of prioritizing security measures. By following the recommended steps and staying vigilant, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to such attacks and ensure the privacy and security of your security camera system.