How Small Changes Can Radically Improve Your Mindset

The language you use when you talk to yourself has a tremendous effect on your self-esteem. As noted in the book What to Say When You Talk to Yourself, Helmstetter discusses that 75 percent of our mental programming is negative. This is a result of the misunderstanding that most people have about the impact their words have. The words you use when talking to yourself or others can affect the subconscious mind. A simple, “You can’t be an astronaut, it’s very hard” can change a child’s outlook on themselves and what they can achieve. We are constantly told, “No, do this, do that” so when we are in the real world, we feel unsure about what we are capable of. We question ourselves with thoughts like, “Can I really be successful pursuing my passion, and following my dreams?”

Although 75 percent of our programming is negative, it is possible to turn it around. It’s imperative if you want to accomplish more for yourself. Being the best you, whether it’s emotionally, physically, or professionally comes from being self confident, and that is a result of a positive mindset.

Changing your mindset starts with identifying how you talk to yourself. Are you generally nice when you talk to yourself or are you constantly beating yourself down? If it’s the latter, and negative thoughts are often lingering in your mind, then that’s a problem. Granted, it’s natural to get down on yourself at times, but it’s important to not wallow in that. Your attitude affects your feelings, and your feelings determine your actions. If you constantly have a negative outlook on situations then your actions are going to reflect that.

Well, aren’t our thoughts inherent natural reactions? Are they possible to change? Yes and yes. Your thoughts are inherent because of the programming that came from influences of your upbringing, and other circumstances. However, your programming is not permanent. Doing a few simple tweaks to your vocabulary can radically increase your positivity. Your mental programming comes from visual and audio experiences (what you’ve seen and heard); mostly from audio. Therefore, to counteract your negative programming you should listen to positive content.

Here’s a great positive self talk audio to download.

Also, you need to replace self-defeating words in your vocabulary. If you frequently find yourself using statements like…

“I never get this right”

“It’s impossible”

Replace them with more uplifting statements. You need to hear yourself saying positive, encouraging words about yourself. Follow the mantra, “Fake it until you make it.” Even if you don’t believe what you’re saying about yourself right away, eventually you will. Try using words like,

“I’m really good at”

“I will do better next time”

The more frequently you start using positive self-talk, your subconscious mind will slowly start to replace the negative programming.

Alicia T. Glenn is the founder of Astounding Pursuits, a blog in which she shares her experiences and advice on how to accomplish cool things, and live a more fulfilled life by discovering and pursuing your passion. Join her free newsletter to get business ideas, life hacks, and strategies on how to live a more astounding life.