How to Get the Most Out of Back-To-School Shopping

If it feels like you’re spending money on the same back-to-school gear every August, you’re not alone. There may not be much you can do to avoid purchasing new clothes or supplies for your growing kiddies but there are some other ways that you can save big money in the long run. By focusing on buying reusable items, especially when it comes to lunch supplies, you can save serious money and cut down on the amount of disposable items your family throws away.

On average, a school age child’s disposable lunch creates an estimated 67 pounds of waste per school year. Just think about all the plastic bags, straws, utensils, food containers, and individually-packed foods that you pack your child every day and it’s easy to see how it adds up. These single-use plastic items can drain your wallet and have a negative impact on our environment. Reusable items made from sustainable materials like glass and stainless steel may cost more up front, but they will last for years and can significantly cut down on your back-to-school shopping list for next year. By packing a healthy, reusable lunch, you can save over $400 per school year per child and still have those items to use for a long time. So to kick the school year off on a green foot and keep more green in your wallet, invest in sustainable items that can outlast last cheap alternatives. Here are some tips .

1. Reusable water bottles: Whether its milk, juice, or water, you’re packing your child a drink with their lunch, so buy their favorites in large containers and fill up a reusable bottle that they can use all year. Pre-portioned drink cartons often cost much more than buying in bulk so go for a glass water bottle that’s about 9oz, a perfect size for little hands and good fit for lunchboxes. Using glass or stainless steel are the best reusable options because they’re durable and made without harmful chemicals.

2. Reusable snack and sandwich bags: The average sized family goes through 500 plastic baggies a year just for packing lunch. What a waste! Instead, pick up some reusable sandwich bags for all your kids’ favorite foods. They come in lots of sizes and patterns so they’ll want to hold onto them and with a simple rinse and hang dry, they’re ready for the next day. You can also stop buying plastic wrap by substituting it for eco-friendly finds like beeswax-made food wraps that can be reused for those beloved PBJs.

3. Better food containers: Aside from being an annoyance, plastic containers that become warped in the microwave can also be a hazard to your family’s health. Polycarbonate plastic food containers are often made with BPA or BPS, chemicals that can leach into foods when heated to high temperatures. To best avoid these toxins and avoid constantly replacing containers each school year, invest in stainless steel food containers. These types of containers are much more durable and free from toxins.

4. Utensils: Plastic utensil are typically used once and then thrown away, a major contributor to major plastic pollution. Instead, buy a few sets of bamboo or stainless steel reusable utensils and your child will have them year after year.

Investing in some of these reusable solutions each year will surely dwindle down your back-to-school shopping list. For more reusable and non-toxic items for kids, visit