‘I Did A Low-Carb Diet For 2 Weeks—Here’s How Much Weight I Lost’

I’ve tried my fair share of weird weight loss strategies, none of which I wind up maintaining long-term because of the crazy restrictions. But in the summer of 2015, my parents started their own journey on the low-carb diet, and after seeing each of them successfully shed some pounds, I decided to give the diet a try for myself.

The low-carb diet goes by many names. Chances are you’ve heard people refer to it as Atkins, South Beach, or Keto (short for “ketogenic”). For the purposes of this experiment, I followed the rules laid out by Susan Kleiner, Ph.D, R.D, author of Power Eating, in this article. Since I work out moderately at least three times a week, I should consume 100 grams of carbohydrates per day on the plan—and that was the only rule. Considering cheese is naturally low in carbs (and was the hardest thing to give up during my bouts of Paleo and Whole30), I figured I’d finally met my weight-loss match. So, armed with no further restrictions than capping my carb count, I kicked off two full weeks on the diet. Here’s what I learned and how much I lost.