Is Cardio Or Weights Better For Burning Fat?

As long as there have been people trying to lose weight, there have been people debating the weight loss benefits of cardio exercise versus strength training. At the center of the debate is the fundamental issue that we want the biggest results from the smallest amount of effort. In other words, what’s the easiest way to look great… yesterday?

Late in 2014, new research shed some light on this age-old question. The Harvard School of Public Health study found that men who completed 20 minutes of weight training each day saw a smaller increase in belly fat than men who spent the same amount of time on a cardio workout. And the men who added both strength training and cardio to their daily routines fared even better. Yet so many of us still believe that the only way to really slim down is by sweating it out for hours on the treadmill.

So what’s the bottom line? And are there any “best” strength moves to add to your routine? And what’s the deal with muscle weighing more than fat? We sat down with Pat Davidson, Ph.D., a former exercise science professor and current director of training methodology at Peak Performance in New York City, to wade through it all. Check it out in the podcast above.

Podcast produced by Katelyn Bogucki.