Is It Ever OK to Ask for a Plus One to a Wedding?

The answer? None of the above.

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Instead, if you really feel as though you want a plus one or you’re sure that you are one of the only single people invited, it’s OK to give the bride and groom a call and simply ask if you can bring someone with you.

Chances are they’ll tell you they need time to pine it over, and their decision will either be based on how many people RSVP’d no or if they have extra room in the venue. They may end up saying no because if they say yes to you, their other single friends may want to bring someone, too. 

It’s important to remember that weddings are expensive, and venues that make couples pay per person become even more expensive with every extra guest. Plus, some couples may not feel comfortable having you bring a date that they’ve never met before. In the end, weddings are supposed to be intimate, and if there are significant others roaming around that they’ve never even laid eyes on, they may start to feel a little uneasy.

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Either way, it’s worth an ask. If you don’t hear back or they give you a maybe, follow-up a couple of weeks before the wedding. If a family member backed out of coming last minute or their guest list is getting slimmer, you may get a lucky break and wind up with some wedding arm candy after all. 

Jen Glantz is a “Professional Bridesmaid” and the founder of Bridesmaid for Hire. She’s the author of All My Friends Are Engaged and her forthcoming book, Always a Bridesmaid (For Hire), will be released in 2017.