Judging research quality to support evidence-informed environmental policy

In August 2005, PLoS Medicine published an essay by John Ioannidis called: ‘Why most
published research findings are false’ 1]. Since then, the paper has been viewed over a million times possibly because of its
provocative title, but probably because of growing concerns about the reliability
of scientific publications and diminishing confidence in the peer review process to
deliver effective quality control. Most recently such concerns have been supported
by a number of high profile cases of publication retraction, for example the withdrawal
of some statements from articles published in the British Medical Journal regarding
the adverse side effects of Statins, a cholesterol-reducing drug 2]. A series of articles in the Lancet has suggested that some $200 billion (estimated to be 80% of the world’s spend on
medical research) was wasted on ‘studies that were flawed in their design, redundant,
never published or poorly reported’ 3]. Moreover, ‘when a prominent medical journal ran research past other experts in the
field, it found that most of the reviewers failed to spot mistakes it had deliberately
inserted into papers, even after being told they were being tested’ 4]. In the field of environmental studies too, concerns have been raised about ‘the
limited effectiveness of peer-review as a quality-control mechanism’ 5].

The actual and perceived unreliability of scientific reports and papers is particularly
problematic for governments’ scientific advisors who operate in the ‘messy’ world
of policy making. Here even credible evidence is rarely the only influential factor
6] and policy (and evidence) contention, scientific uncertainty and even ignorance pose
significant challenges. The Chief Scientific Advisor for the UK government’s Department
for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has called ‘for an auditing process to help
policy makers to navigate research bias’ 7] and suggested the need for establishing third-party certified auditors and international
auditing standards that grade scientific studies or even journals. A case has also
been made for adopting healthcare best practice quality assessment tools for environmental
science 8]. Others have suggested the use of ‘formal consensus methods’ such as Delphi techniques
to achieve better quality control 9]. Dr Ioannidis (mentioned above) has already institutionalised these ideas by launching
in early 2014 a Meta-Research Innovation Centre at Stanford University. METRICS’ mission
is ‘to undertake rigorous evaluation of research practices and find ways to optimize
the reproducibility and efficiency of scientific investigations’ 10]. These efforts point to a growing call for the tightening of peer review, or even
dispensing with it, in favour of post-publication evaluation in the form of appended

We share the concerns raised by other commentators about the reliability of research
and the evidence it produces, and support the efforts to promote quality assurance.
However, our motivation for writing this article is to raise concerns about the perceived
validity and value of social science evidence (compared with scientific outputs from
the physical, natural, engineering, and medical sciences) in interdisciplinary research.
Interdisciplinarity is particularly relevant in the field of environmental policy
and management which often grapples with multiple questions that demand diverse research
methods from both social and natural sciences. Defined broadly, the social sciences
study societal processes and peoples’ lived experiences as these shape, and are shaped
by, the world around them. Understanding what people, individually and in various
forms of association with others, think and do poses unique research challenges. Studying
society involves not only the objective system under scrutiny, but also the subjective
system of scrutiny itself (known as double hermeneutic). In consequence, social science
disciplines have developed a variety of quantitative and qualitative research techniques
adapted to these challenges. They draw on data generated by a variety of methods including
statistical analyses, survey questionnaires, in-depth interviews, participant observation,
and group discussions. Some of these methods and the criteria appropriate for evaluating
the reliability of the evidence that they generate may be unfamiliar to other scientific

We are concerned that a desire to set universally applicable ‘kite marks’ and ‘gold
standards’ may risk undermining: an appreciation of the complementarity of different
methods (within and between the quantitative and qualitative); the importance of adopting
an inclusive definition of evidence; the diversity of research designs and methods;
and, the significance of ‘fitness for purpose’ in research design, conduct and reporting.
There appears to be a tendency to consider qualitative methods as somehow inferior
to experimental or quantitative methods a priori11]. From our experience, sometimes decision makers question evidence that is based on
analysis of narrative, discussion and commentary and use statistical representativeness
and reproducibility as the primary criteria for assessing the quality of research.
These tendencies are not random instances; they are indicative of power relations
within and beyond science and embedded in the fabric of knowledge itself. Arguing
against these tendencies is not new. It has a long pedigree in the field of environmental
research and policy-making 12] whose interdisciplinary nature demands that diverse framings of the problem and multiple
methods of investigation typically come together and challenge each other in producing
new ways of knowing.

In this context, evidence must be understood broadly to encompass the insights from
the natural, physical and social sciences and provide space for ‘a measured array of contrasting specialist
views’ 13]. While our focus here is on research, we believe that tacit and experiential knowledge
by which ‘much of the world’s work of problem solving is accomplished’ 14] should also be included in the definition of evidence. Similarly, quality should
be defined inclusively and the mechanisms and criteria used to judge it should reflect
the diversity of research methods and paradigms. This means that the criteria used
to assess the quality of, for example, randomised controlled trials (RCT) may not
be suitable for assessing qualitative methods.

The key point is that applying the same criteria universally to all types of research
is imprudent. The approach to quality control should start by asking which method
or mixture of methods are most appropriate for answering the research questions and
the research project’s intended uses. The validity and credibility of the method depends
fundamentally on its fitness for purpose. For example, while statistics can tell us
the voting patterns of a given social group in a general election, they do not explain why the group and importantly the individuals within it, voted as they did. As with
all sciences, what causes something to happen in a particular case may not necessarily
be explained by the number of times we observe it happening. Finding out ‘how’ and
‘why’ people vote as they do necessitates an understanding of what voting for a particular
outcome means to the individual voter. Such understanding requires a mixture of complementary
quantitative and qualitative (or Q2) methods. Thus, appropriateness should be the
first test of quality control. Once the appropriateness of the method is established,
criteria relevant to that method can be drawn upon to assess its quality and distinguish
between, for example, a high and low quality RCT, or a high and low quality focus
group. This means that before asking whether this research is valid, we should be
asking what ‘this research is valid for’ 15]. We would be amongst the first to acknowledge that there is low quality social science
as well as low quality natural science but, no method can be judged better or worse
than another in isolation from the research questions they aim to address. Accordingly,
it is essential that we avoid the tendency to assess the quality of research methods
by a universal set of criteria or worse even, to assess qualitative methods by the
same criteria developed for and used in quantitative methods (such as the statistical
validity of the participants sample size for a focus group).

There is a growing body of literature on criteria and checklists for assessing quality
in social science research 16],17]. These have been applied to single research projects and syntheses of qualitative
research, as well as systematic reviews similar to those conducted by Cochrane and
Campbell Collaborations and the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence. Reports
have suggested that there are over one hundred sets of proposals on quality in qualitative
research 18]. However, there appears to be few attempts to develop method-specific approaches.
Furthermore, in selecting papers for inclusion in the systematic reviews ‘consensus
about which aspects of design, execution, analysis and description are most crucial
is yet to be reached’ 19]. Furthermore, there is even a lack of consensus about whether such reviews are appropriate
for studies using qualitative methods whose assessment involves an iterative process
and does not follow the often linear approach used in experimental and quantitative
research 20]. One area on which both social and natural scientists agree is the acknowledgment
that assessing the quality of evidence is a subjective process and involves judgment.
In the context of systematic reviews, structured approaches (such as checklists and
tools) have long been proposed as a means of assessing the quality of research reports
and reducing subjectivity. However, a comparison of structured approaches and ‘unprompted
judgement’ has shown that although the former ‘may sensitise reviewers to aspects
of research practice’, they do ‘not appear more likely to produce a higher level of
agreement between or within reviewers’ 21]. It is also important to note that there is a wide range of methods for synthesising
qualitative research. Barnet-Page and Thomas 22], for example, have identified ten different methods spanning across the “realist
– idealist” epistemological spectrum and each with their own criteria for quality
assessment. It is therefore important that in undertaking systematic reviews of qualitative
research, attention is paid to the suitability of the criteria for not only quality
assessment but also the synthesis method itself.

To summarise, the main messages of this commentary are as follows:

Evidence for environmental policy should be defined broadly and inclusively to incorporate
the insights from all sciences.

There is a diversity of social scientific research methods, each with its own specific
contributions to environmental decision making.

Mechanisms and criteria for judging research quality should take account of such
diversity and be fit for purpose.

To make the best of social sciences their contributions should be fully integrated
at the beginning into environmental policy development and interdisciplinary research.