Julianne Hough’s Boyfriend Begs Her to Teach Him Dance Moves

What does actress, singer, and Dancing with the Stars champion and judge Julianne Hough do on date night with her BF? Dance, of course. But, as she told WomensHealthMag.com during a video interview at her July/August cover shoot, it doesn’t go exactly how you’d expect. 

“You would think it would be so easy,” she says, with a laugh. “But I’m like, this is the last thing I want to do right now.”

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Watch Julianne Hough describe her typical date night in the video clip below:

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For more candid stories from the bubbly multi-talented star, plus an awesome dancer-body workout courtesy of Julianne’s trainer, pick up the July/August issue of Women’s Health magazine when it hits newsstands June 30.Â