Just Eat to halt Paris subsidiary employing riders on contracts

Just Eat to Halt Paris Subsidiary Employing Riders on Contracts

Just Eat to Halt Paris Subsidiary Employing Riders on Contracts

Just Eat, the popular online food delivery platform, has announced its decision to halt its Paris subsidiary from employing riders on contracts. This move comes as part of the company’s efforts to address concerns regarding the employment status and working conditions of its delivery riders.

By making this decision, Just Eat aims to ensure fair treatment and better working conditions for its riders in Paris. The company plans to transition its riders from contract-based employment to a new model that offers more stability and benefits.

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  • Paris subsidiary
  • riders on contracts
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Just Eat’s decision to halt the employment of riders on contracts in its Paris subsidiary is a significant step towards improving the overall welfare of its delivery workforce. This move aligns with the growing demand for fair employment practices and better working conditions in the gig economy.

With this change, Just Eat aims to provide its riders with more stability by offering them a new employment model that includes benefits such as insurance coverage, paid time off, and other perks. This transition will not only benefit the riders but also contribute to the company’s reputation as a responsible and ethical food delivery platform.

Just Eat’s decision is likely to set a positive example for other food delivery companies operating in Paris and beyond. It sends a clear message that prioritizing the well-being of delivery riders is crucial for the long-term success and sustainability of the gig economy.

In conclusion, Just Eat’s decision to halt its Paris subsidiary from employing riders on contracts is a significant move towards improving the working conditions and employment status of its delivery riders. By prioritizing fair treatment, stability, and benefits, Just Eat sets an example for other companies in the industry to follow. This decision not only benefits the riders but also contributes to the overall growth and sustainability of the gig economy.