Maybe It’s Time to Get a New Dream

If you were at the bottom of a deep dark pit, looking up at a solitary opening that was lit with sunshine and blue skies and your life depended upon the actions you took to dig your way out, what kind of effort would you exert to reach the top?

Picture it. Adrenaline pumping, laser focused actions, your mind racing with ideas – assessing and analyzing each as you are all too aware that time is of the essence and one wrong choice will set you back from the precipice between life and death.

As the scenario unfolds, would you pause in your quest to survive and do any of the following:

* Stop to first get a general consensus amongst your friends or family as to whether you were really capable of digging your way out?

* Reflect on your past and conclude you are not worth of saving yourself?

* Give up if your first attempt didn’t work and conclude it really wasn’t meant to be?

* Take a break to check your phone notifications to see if anyone put anything fun on Facebook or check in on the latest drama to see what you are missing?

* Ponder what would be waiting for you once you got out and stress over unknown events that might happen in the future?

So am I describing a fictitious tragedy at the bottom of a pit or am I describing your approach to sculpting the life of your dreams and reaching your goals this year?

You see, if your goals — the very things that you refer to as being the “Life Of Your Dreams,” do not have you scrambling with the same fervor you would if you were at the bottom of a pit facing life and death — then perhaps you need to do some soul searching and decide if your definition has changed.

Moreover, if this is the second, third or even tenth consecutive year that you have said, “This will be MY year — the year it will all happen,” and it hasn’t come to fruition in the past, then it’s not your action but perhaps the prize that needs the adjustment; or else you would have made it all happen by now — guaranteed!

Instead of continuing to repeat the past, it may be time for you to decide whether these goals are really even a fit for you at all or if it’s time to reassess what IS important enough to you to move heaven and earth to make it happen.

If you aren’t committed to do whatever it takes to accomplish your dreams, then perhaps it’s time to get a new dream because the reality is, you really may not want this one bad enough!

If you are looking for inspiration or where to begin, check out — the video short created by Stephanie Leigh Mulac that asks, “What story are you writing?”