Meta investigated over illicit drug sales: Report

Meta Investigated Over Illicit Drug Sales: Report

Meta Investigated Over Illicit Drug Sales: Report

Recently, Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has come under scrutiny for its role in facilitating illicit drug sales on its platforms. A report released by investigative authorities sheds light on the extent of this issue and the potential consequences for Meta.

Key Findings of the Report

The report reveals that Meta’s lax enforcement of its policies has allowed for the proliferation of illegal drug sales on its platforms. Users have been able to easily buy and sell drugs, including opioids and other controlled substances, with little to no oversight from Meta.

Implications for Meta

As a result of these findings, Meta is facing increased pressure to crack down on illicit drug sales and improve its content moderation practices. Failure to do so could result in legal action, fines, and damage to its reputation as a responsible social media platform.

What Users Can Do

Users are advised to be cautious when engaging in any transactions involving drugs on social media platforms. Report any suspicious activity to the authorities and refrain from participating in illegal activities that could harm yourself or others.


The investigation into Meta over illicit drug sales highlights the need for stricter enforcement of policies and better oversight of user activity on social media platforms. It serves as a reminder of the potential dangers of unregulated online marketplaces and the importance of responsible online behavior.

For more information, read the full report here.