Mom claims daycare worker breast-fed son without consent

A North Carolina mother is looking to press charges against a daycare worker who she claims breast-fed her 3-month-old son without her consent. Kaycee Oxendine said the unidentified woman asked twice on Friday if she could breast-feed her son, who was constipated, and both times she told the woman no, ABC 11 reported.

“She said that she had a son and did I want her to put my child to her breast and breast-feed?” Oxendine told ABC 11. “And I said ‘No, that’s nasty. We don’t do things like that.’”

Oxedine works at the Carrboro Early School as a pre-kindergarten teacher, and said the alleged incident happened moments after she left the center’s nursery. She recorded the alleged incident on the center’s security footage.

Oxendine told the news outlet that her son, whose name was not disclosed, was born prematurely and is lactose intolerant, meaning he cannot consume any milk products. The alleged incident landed the family in the emergency room Friday evening after the infant began throwing up.

“To me, a criminal act was committed against him,” Oxendine told ABC 11. “Not only did you put your breast to my son, you also made my son sick because he’s lactose intolerant. So you’ve put something in his body that his body can’t digest.”

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Daron Council, the daycare director, told the news outlet that an employee reported the alleged incident and the woman accused of breast-feeding Oxendine’s son is no longer working at the center. Council said he reported the alleged incident to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and informed other parents whose children were under the employee’s care, ABC 11 reported.

“He’s done everything in his power that he can do so I’m not angry at the director,” Oxendine told ABC 11. “I’m not angry at the childcare center. I’m very angry at the employee. I do hope that there’s justice for my son.”

Police told the news outlet that the incident is being investigated as a misdemeanor.

“As a mom, you’ve taken something from me, because I wasn’t able to defend my child,” Oxendine told ABC 11. “I wasn’t there.”