Mom’s Message To The Man Who Called A ‘Retard’ Halloween Costume ‘Hilarious’

“Dustin then looked at the storyteller and said ‘Thanks, she is amazing. She has Down syndrome. So, I’m sure you can imagine that I don’t appreciate this costume conversation. I’m just wondering, is she what a retard looks like to you?’” Shannon wrote on Facebook.

According to the post, the man attempted to explain himself, and Dustin made it clear that his daughter should never be viewed as a costume or joke. Shannon told The Huffington Post her husband has seen the co-worker since, but he has not contacted Dustin.

Though she was initially hesitant to post about what happened to her husband, Shannon knew she owed it to Raegan to speak up.

“Personally, I can handle it,” she said. “However, the thought of Raegan growing up and being hurt by that word really saddened me. I thought by sharing our story, people might realize that it’s not ‘just a word.’”