New Report Concludes SBE Sciences Help Advance National Health, Prosperity And Defense

Medicine, Health Care New Report Concludes SBE Sciences…

Published: July 26, 2017.
Released by National Science Foundation  

At the request of the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine has produced a report, “The Value of Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences to National Priorities.” The report concludes that social, behavioral and economic sciences (SBE) further NSF’s mission to advance U.S. health, prosperity, welfare and defense.

“Nearly every major challenge the United States faces — from alleviating unemployment to protecting itself from terrorism — requires understanding the causes and consequences of people’s behavior,” the report says.

The National Academies formed an expert committee to consider the value of NSF support for SBE research. The committee found that SBE research produces a fundamental understanding of how people and societies behave that is “critical for the country’s well-being.”

“The report offers an expert perspective on how we can best work to advance the progress of science,” said NSF Director France A. Córdova. “It validates a long-held view of the importance of the social, behavioral and economic sciences. NSF looks forward to working with the scientific community on strategic planning, a key recommendation of the report.”

The full report mentions specific examples of NSF-supported SBE research that has advanced welfare, prosperity and security, including the creation of kidney exchange programs, improved cybersecurity and improved counterterrorism efforts.

“Like all sciences, the SBE sciences bring a rigorous, methodological approach to pursuing knowledge,” the report states, noting that SBE scientists have contributed new methods of data collection and analysis now used by governments, researchers and business.

The National Academies will host a public discussion Wednesday, July 19, from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. EDT at its headquarters at 2101 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, D.C.

Córdova will provide remarks, and members of the committee will present key findings. A panel of experts will offer brief commentary and engage in a roundtable discussion with committee members about the report recommendations, followed by a general audience discussion.

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