NY personal trainer shares the ultimate couples workout

It’s a hackneyed saying, but studies insist it’s true: couples who train together, stay together.

For many of us, hitting the gym is a solo pursuit – squeezing in some exercise before or after work. 

Some who struggle to motivate themselves might opt for classes for a bit of direction.

However, if you’re in a relationship, there is another option that boosts both your fitness and your intimate life: couple workouts.

Studies show couples who work out together are more motivated and connected
Studies show couples who work out together are more motivated and connected

Studies show couples who work out together are more motivated and connected

Studies dating back to the early 1960s show the mere presence of another person boosts your ability and motivation to exercise. 

More recently, studies have shown we are more likely to work out to our optimum if we are encouraged by a loved-one, while receiving constructive feedback. 

Beyond that, a joint workout has been shown to increase happiness in your relationship outside the gym. 

Research by Monmouth University found it drives romantic attraction – moreso the physiological arousal than the challenge of the activity. They also found a shared goal, such as aiming for a 5K together, helped invigorate relationships.

And a highly-influential, often-cited 1974 study by Donald Dutton and Arthur Aron (of New York Stony Brook University) revealed the increase in heart rate, sweatiness and breathlessness makes you more attracted to the other person. 

So where’s a good place to start?

Here, Jonathan Rentas, a personal trainer at New York Health Racquet Club 50th Street, shares his ultimate guide for couples hitting the gym, covering upper body, lower body and core…



a. Partners get into a push-up position face to face.

b. Do a complete push-up and cross clap each other at the top of the pushup.

c. Keep head and back straight, core engaged, and legs straight.

d. Repeat for 8 to 12 reps

Modification: Push-up on the kneels


a. Same as the ‘push-up claps’; however, instead of the clap, partners touch opposite shoulders of their partner.

PUSH-UP CLAPS: Partners get into a push-up position face to face, then do a complete push-up and cross clap each other at the top of the pushup
PUSH-UP CLAPS: Partners get into a push-up position face to face, then do a complete push-up and cross clap each other at the top of the pushup

PUSH-UP CLAPS: Partners get into a push-up position face to face, then do a complete push-up and cross clap each other at the top of the pushup


a. Partner A drops into a high plank with wrist tracking under the shoulders, core engaged, feet about shoulder width apart.

b. Partner B stands between PA’s feet in a front squat stance.

c. Partner B carefully lifts PA’s ankles so that PA is in a ‘Wheelbarrow’ position and stands tall.

d. Partner A then drops into a push-up with head and back straight (neutral position), core engage, and legs straight.

e. At the same time, Partner B drops into a squat with back straight, core engaged, and hip and kneel parallel to the floor. (While holding PA’s ankles)

f. As PA returns into position, PB stands tall.

g. Repeat for 8 to 12 reps

h. Switch roles and repeat



a. Partners drop into a low squat face-to-face with hip and kneel parallel to the floor.

b. Hold this position throughout the exercise.

c. Partner A holds the medicine ball (MB) at the chest and push it through tossing it to Partner B.

d. Partner B catches the MB and quickly repeat the same movement.

e. Repeat for 8 to 12 reps


a. Partners drop into a low squat back-to-back with hip and kneel parallel to the floor.

b. Hold this position throughout the exercise.

c. Partner A holds the MB at the chest and rotate from upper torso and pass to Partner B.

d. Partner B rotates right to take the ball and quickly pass it to the left side.

e. Partner A receives the ball on the left and repeat the same movement.

f. Repeat for 8 to 12 reps

JUMP SQUAT WITH CLAP: Partners stand face-to-face a foot apart. Partners go into a low squat at the same time, with back straight, core engaged. Simultaneously push off and jump up
JUMP SQUAT WITH CLAP: Partners stand face-to-face a foot apart. Partners go into a low squat at the same time, with back straight, core engaged. Simultaneously push off and jump up

JUMP SQUAT WITH CLAP: Partners stand face-to-face a foot apart. Partners go into a low squat at the same time, with back straight, core engaged. Simultaneously push off and jump up


a. Partners stand face-to-face about one foot apart.

b. Partners go into a low squat at the same time.

c. Back straight, core engaged, and hip and knee parallel to the floor.

d. Partners simultaneously push off and jump up.

e. Arms goes overhead, and partners clap each other’s hand in mid-air.

f. Land lightly and drop into another squat and repeat.

g. Repeat for 8 to 12 reps

Modification: Squat to stand then clap (no jump)



a. Partners stand face to face.

b. Feet are hip width apart.

c. Slightly bend the knees.

d. Shoulders back and down; and engage the core.

e. Arms extend out in front parallel to the floor with hands closed palm-to-palm

f. Partner A places the backside of right hand on PB’s right backhand side.

g. Partners push to the right while keeping the core engaged.

h. Hold for 30 sec.

i. Repeat on the left side.

PARTNER MEDICINE BALL RUSSIAN TWIST: Partners sit back-to-back with a few inches between each other. Both lean back against each other for balance, and pass the ball
PARTNER MEDICINE BALL RUSSIAN TWIST: Partners sit back-to-back with a few inches between each other. Both lean back against each other for balance, and pass the ball

PARTNER MEDICINE BALL RUSSIAN TWIST: Partners sit back-to-back with a few inches between each other. Both lean back against each other for balance, and pass the ball


a. Same as the ‘Push-up with Shoulder Taps’.

b. Instead of push-up’s partners stay in a high plank and touch opposite shoulders of their partner.

c. Head and back straight, core engaged, and legs straight.

d. Hold for 30 sec.


a. Partner A drops into a low plank with forearms place on the floor

b. Elbows tracking under the shoulder, hands parallel to the floor.

c. Head and back straight, core engaged, and legs straight.

d. Partner B stands by PA’s feet and jump laterally over PA’s ankles. (To the right or left; depending where you are starting from)

e. Land lightly and immediately jump back to the other side as quickly as possible.

f. Repeat for 30 secs.

g. Switch roles and repeat.

Modifications: Partner A could do a high plank and Partner B could do lateral hops over PA’s ankles.


a. Partner A drops into a low plank with forearms place on the floor

b. Elbows tracking under the shoulder, hands parallel to the floor.

c. Head and back straight, core engaged, and legs straight.

d. Partner B stands by PA’s feet and jump laterally over PA’s ankles (to the right or left; depending where you are starting from) and do a burpee.

e. Land lightly and immediately jump back to the other side as quickly as possible.

f. Repeat for 30 secs.

g. Switch roles and repeat.

Modifications: Partner A could do a high plank and Partner B could do lateral hops over PA’s ankles and do squat thrust. (Similar to a burpee, but without the push-up)


a. Partners sit back-to-back with a few inches between each other.

b. Both lean back against each other for balance.

c. Heels on the ground, knees bent (about 90 degrees), core engaged throughout the whole movement.

d. Partner A holds the medicine ball at the chest and rotate from upper torso and pass to Partner B.

e. Partner B rotates right to take the ball and quickly pass it to the left side.

f. Partner A receives the ball on the left and repeat the same movement. (There should be rotation from the upper torso)

g. Repeat for 12 to 15 reps