Online insomnia program can improve sleep for many, study finds

Ultimately, approximately 70 percent of the SHUTi users had significant improvements, and more than half (56.6 percent) were in the “no insomnia” range one year after using SHUTi. In general, SHUTi proved significantly more effective than online sleep education information — the type of tips that might be found online — provided to a control group of study participants.

“We really tried to have as robust a study design as we possibly could to see if [SHUTi] would stand up over time,” said University of Virginia School of Medicine Professor Lee Ritterband, PhD, one of the program’s creators. “We found that those who got the SHUTi intervention did much better…and the main symptoms of insomnia were significantly improved and stayed improved over time.”

Could Help ‘Unimaginable Numbers’

Based on the study findings, the researchers have concluded that online programs without in-person human involvement can meaningfully improve sleep. The Internet, they say, “provides a less-expensive, scalable treatment option that could reach previously unimaginable numbers of people.”

Overall, the study found that the benefits of SHUTi were similar to those found in trials of cognitive behavioral therapy delivered by healthcare providers. The measure of effectiveness was based on experiences self-reported by study participants rather than a measurement of time spent sleeping.