Oral vitamin spray or topical magnesium spray can help beat the blues, says TV chef Tonia Buxton

As a nutritional expert I’m a strong believer in getting all the nutrients you need through food and have guided many celebrities on how to eat well in order to feel great, have more energy and to look younger.

However, we can’t rely on our heavily processed diets and busy lifestyles to obtain all of these key nutrients.

If you’re lacking in motivation this January, then you may need a boost of vitamin B12 – which is linked to cognitive health and maintaining the body’s energy levels. This vitamin is mainly found in fish and meat, however it’s really difficult to absorb. So if you’re doing Veganuary then you will definitely be lacking in this vitamin!

Another important nutrient to consider is vitamin D – a nutrient that is important for healthy bones and the immune system.

Vitamin D is incredibly difficult to obtain from diet alone, as I found out last year when I discovered I was deficient. In fact, only 10% comes from our food and we are expected to get the rest from the sun, which in the UK sadly doesn’t make much of an appearance for the majority of the year.

By January you could be seriously lacking in this vitamin, leaving you feeling tired, lacking energy and with aching muscles (all signs of vitamin D deficiency).

Last but not least is the powerhouse mineral… magnesium. This is needed to balance calcium and heavy metal toxicity, and is responsible for over 325 chemical reactions in the body.

Magnesium deficiency is linked with many health implications including migraines, anxiety, depression and extreme fatigue.

Due to the change in farming methods and food processing, the level of magnesium within our diet has declined over the years. Our modern diets actively deplete magnesium; caffeine, alcohol, processed grains and sugar all prompt the kidneys to expel magnesium.

A simple and efficient way to supplement these vitamins and minerals is to use either an oral vitamin spray or a topical magnesium spray. You can also take a relaxing soak in a Magnesium Flake bath. These methods have been shown to get the vitamins and minerals into the body faster than tablets and capsules.

That’s why I use the BetterYou range for my family, as it’s convenient and offers guaranteed absorption that other traditional supplements can’t.