Playing hide and seek with repeats in local and global de novo transcriptome assembly of short RNA-seq reads

Transcriptomes can now be studied through sequencing. However, in the absence of a reference genome, de novo assembly remains a challenging task. The main difficulty certainly comes from the fact that sequencing reads are short, and repeated sequences within transcriptomes could be longer than the reads. This short read/long repeat issue is of course not specific to transcriptome sequencing. It is an old problem that has been around since the first algorithms for genome assembly. Even though the problems repeats cause in both contexts are similar, they have also some characteristics that are specific to each. In genome assembly, repeats tend to be longer and present in more copies. In transcriptome assembly, repeats are located within genes and tend to be shorter and in fewer copies. However, in this last case, coverage cannot be applied to discriminate contigs that correspond to repeats, as it can be in genomics by using e.g. Myers’ A-statistics [6, 7], since the coverage of a gene does not only reflect its copy-number in the genome, but also and mostly its expression level. Some genes are highly expressed and therefore highly covered, while most genes are poorly expressed and therefore poorly covered. Such specificities complicate the application of a genomic repeat-solving strategy to the transcriptomic context.

Initially, it was thought that repeats would not be a major issue in RNA-seq, since they are mostly in introns and intergenic regions. However, the truth is that many regions which are thought to be intergenic are transcribed [8] and introns are not always already spliced out when mRNA is collected to be sequenced [9]. Repeats, especially transposable elements, are therefore very present in real samples and cause major problems in transcriptome assembly, if not addressed properly.

Most, if not all current short-read transcriptome assemblers are based on de Bruijn graphs. Among the best known are Oases [3], Trinity [2], and to a lesser degree Trans-Abyss [10] and IDBA-tran [11]. Common to all of them is the lack of a clear and explicit model for repeats in RNA-seq data. Heuristics are thus used to try and cope efficiently with repeats. For instance, in Oases short vertices are thought to correspond to repeats and are therefore not used for assembling genes. They are added in a second step, which hopefully causes genes sharing repeats not to be assembled together. In Trinity, there is no attempt to deal with repeats by explicitly modelling them. The first module of Trinity, Inchworm, will try and assemble the most covered contig which hopefully corresponds to the most abundant alternative transcript. Then alternative exons are glued to this major transcript to form a splicing graph. The last step is to enumerate all alternative transcripts. If repeats are present, their high coverage may be interpreted as a highly expressed link between two unrelated transcripts. Overall, assembled transcripts may be chimeric or spliced into many sub-transcripts.

In the method we had previously developed, KisSplice, which is a local transcriptome assembler [12], repeats are less problematic since the goal is not to assemble full-length transcripts. KisSplice instead aims at finding variants in transcriptomes (SNPs, indels and alternative splicings). However, as we reported in [12], KisSplice was not able to deal with large portions of a de Bruijn graph containing subgraphs associated to highly repeated sequences, e.g. transposable elements, the so-called complex Biconnected Components.

Here, we try and achieve three goals: (1) give a clear formalisation of the notion of repeats with high copy-number in RNA-seq data, (2) apply it on local transcriptome assembly by giving a practical way to enumerate bubbles that are lost because of such repeats, and (3) apply it on global transcriptome assembly by showing that the topology of the subgraph around a transcript can give some hints about its confidence level. Recall that we are in a de novo context, so we assume that neither a reference genome/transcriptome nor a database of known repeats, e.g. RepBase [13], are available.

First, we formally introduce a model for representing high copy-number repeats and exploit its properties to infer that repeat-associated subgraphs in a de Bruijn graph contain few compressible arcs. However, we show that the problem of identifying, in a de Bruijn graph, a subgraph corresponding to repeats according to such characterisation is NP-complete. A polynomial time algorithm is therefore unlikely to exist.

Second, we show that in the specific case of a local assembly of alternative splicing (AS) events, by using a strategy based on the compressible-arc characterization, we can implicitly avoid such subgraphs. More precisely, it is possible to find the structures (i.e. bubbles) corresponding to AS events in a de Bruijn graph that are not contained in a repeat-associated subgraph (see Fig. 3 for an example). While there has been great efforts in the literature to solve repeats, there has been almost no exploration on how to avoid them. This is explained by the fact that most efforts in assembly concentrate on full-length genome and transcriptome assembly, in which avoiding repeats is not an option, and the performance of an assembler can be narrowed down to how well it solves repeats. However, in our case, repeat-avoidance can be an effective technique. Indeed, this fact was confirmed by our experiments, where using human simulated RNA-seq data, we show that the new algorithm improves significantly the sensitivity of KisSplice, while also improving its precision. We further compared our algorithm to two of the best transcriptome assemblers, namely Trinity [2] and Oases [3], in the specific task of calling AS events, and we show that our algorithm is more sensitive than both tools, while also being more precise. In addition, our results show that the advantage of using the new algorithm proposed in this work is more evident when the input data contains high pre-mRNA content or the AS events of interest stem from highly-expressed genes. Moreover, we give an indication of the usefulness of our method on real data.

Third, we show that the method described can also be applied in the context of full-length transcriptome assembly. We introduce a measure based on the proposed model to identify low-confidence transcripts, which are the ones that traverse complex regions in the de Bruijn Graph. Within these complex parts of the graph generated by repeats, any assembler will have to choose the “right” path(s) among the many present. This choice is not simple and may lead to incorrect solutions (e.g. chimeric or truncated transcripts). It is therefore important to be able to identify the transcripts coming from such complex regions in order to know that the solution presented is not the only one, and furthermore may not be the right one. We compared our measure against two state-of-the-art methods for de novo transcriptome evaluation, namely Rsem-Eval [4] and TransRate [5], for the specific task of identifying chimeric transcripts in both real and simulated datasets. We show that our measure provides good results despite the fact that it uses only the graph topology, and not coverage, nor read information. The results obtained thus suggest that exploring the topology of the subgraph around a transcript, an information that is currently disregarded by transcriptome evaluation methods, can be useful to infer some of the transcript’s properties, such as confidence level, quality, assembly hardness, etc. Therefore, our measure can improve the state-of-the-art methods for de novo transcriptome evaluation, since it is able to capture assembly errors missed by these tools.


Let (Sigma) be an alphabet of fixed size (sigma). Here we always assume (Sigma ={A,C,T,G}). Given a sequence (string) (s in Sigma ^*), let |s| denote its length, s[i] the ith element of s, and s[ij] the substring (s[i] s[i+1] ldots s[j]) for any (1 le ij le |s|).

A k-mer is a sequence (s in Sigma ^k). Given an integer k and a set S of sequences each of length (n ge k), we define span(Sk) as the set of all distinct k-mers that appear as a substring in S.

Definition 1

Given a set of sequences (reads) (R subseteq Sigma ^*) and an integer k, we define the directed de Bruijn graph (G_k(R)=(V,A)) where (V=span(R,k)) and ((u,v) in A) if and only if (u[2,k]=v[1,k-1]).

Given a directed graph (G = (V,A)) and a vertex (v in V), we denote its out-neighbourhood (resp. in-neighbourhood) by (N^+(v)={ u in V mid (v,u) in A }) (resp. (N^-(v)={ u in V mid (u,v) in A })), and its out-degree (resp. in-degree by (d^+(v)=|N^+(v)|) ((d^-(v)=|N^-(v)|)). A (simple) path
(pi = s leadsto t) in G is a sequence of distinct vertices (s = v_0, ldots , v_l = t) such that, for each (0 le i l), ((v_i, v_{i+1})) is an arc of G. If the graph is weighted, i.e. there is a function (w : A rightarrow Q_{ge 0}) associating a weight to every arc in the graph, then the length of a path (pi) is the sum of the weights of the traversed arcs, and is denoted by (|pi |).

An arc ((u,v) in A) is called compressible if (d^+(u)=1) and (d^-(v)=1). The intuition behind this definition comes from the fact that every path passing through u should also pass through v. It should therefore be possible to “compress” or contract this arc without losing any information. Note that the compressed de Bruijn graph [2, 3] commonly used by transcriptomic assemblers is obtained from a de Bruijn graph by replacing, for each compressible arc (uv), the vertices uv by a new vertex x, where (N^-(x) = N^-(u)), (N^+(x) = N^+(v)) and the label is the concatenation of the k-mer of u and the k-mer of v without the overlapping part (see Fig. 1).
Fig. 1

Example of compressible arc in a de Bruijn graph. a The arc (CTGTGA) is the only compressible arc in the given de Bruijn graph ((k=3)). b The corresponding compressed de Bruijn graph