Pot Use In Pregnancy Is Going Up. Here’s What We Know So Far About Its Effects

Other problems, including decreased attention skills, impulsiveness, hyperactivity and depression, began to emerge at ages five and six and persisted in varying amounts through the ages of nine through 12. However, the researchers admit it was difficult to find a clear pattern between in utero cannabis exposure, the amount of cannabis mothers used, and its effects on children’s health. 

The complicating factor of medical marijuana 

Currently, 29 states and Washington, D.C. allow marijuana for medical purposes, and the number of legal pot users will continue to grow if more states follow suit. There isn’t much data on whether doctors are prescribing marijuana for pregnancy nausea, but a 2014 study on pregnant women in Hawaii found that those with severe nausea were more likely to say they used marijuana during pregnancy compared to those who didn’t have intense symptoms. There are websites describing the use of marijuana for pregnancy nausea, NIDA researchers noted in their editorial, and almost 70 percent of pregnant women in the U.S. experience some level of nausea during their pregnancies.