Pregnant Women Given Sex Guidelines by CDC Due to Zika Virus Risk

(On another note, this is the second sex-related health warning the CDC has sent to women this week. On Tuesday, the organization issued a statement saying women who are not on birth control should not get freaky, due to the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome during unplanned pregnancy.)

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In some countries where Zika is active, like Brazil and El Salvador, the governments have even told women not to get pregnant for the next two years, since so many babies have been born with microcephaly recently. Because of this, the United Nations is calling for these countries to repeal laws that restrict access to birth control and abortions.

The bottom line: For most people, the Zika virus is not a threat (in fact, some people who get infected won’t even feel sick). But if you are pregnant, it’s important to be super safe and use a condom.