Pump-probe high-harmonic spectroscopy could catch geometric phase effect around conical intersection in molecule: Study

Pump-probe High-Harmonic Spectroscopy: Geometric Phase Effect Study

Pump-probe High-Harmonic Spectroscopy: Catching Geometric Phase Effects around Conical Intersections in Molecules

High-harmonic spectroscopy has revolutionized the field of molecular dynamics by providing unprecedented insights into the ultrafast processes that govern chemical reactions. One of the most intriguing phenomena studied using this technique is the geometric phase effect around conical intersections in molecules. In this article, we delve into the world of pump-probe high-harmonic spectroscopy and explore how it enables researchers to capture and analyze these elusive geometric phase effects.

The Basics of Pump-probe High-Harmonic Spectroscopy

Pump-probe high-harmonic spectroscopy is a cutting-edge experimental technique that combines ultrafast laser pulses to investigate the dynamics of molecules with unparalleled temporal resolution. By using a pump pulse to excite the molecule and a probe pulse to interrogate its response, researchers can track the evolution of electronic and nuclear dynamics in real time.

Geometric Phase Effects and Conical Intersections

Conical intersections are points in the potential energy surface of a molecule where two electronic states become degenerate, leading to non-adiabatic transitions and ultrafast dynamics. The geometric phase effect arises from the non-trivial phase acquired by the molecular wavefunction as it traverses a closed path around a conical intersection.

Studying Geometric Phase Effects with Pump-probe High-Harmonic Spectroscopy

Recent advancements in pump-probe high-harmonic spectroscopy have made it possible to directly observe and quantify geometric phase effects in molecules. By carefully tuning the laser parameters and analyzing the high-harmonic spectra, researchers can extract valuable information about the geometric phase acquired during the molecular dynamics.

Implications for Chemical Reactivity and Quantum Control

The ability to capture geometric phase effects around conical intersections has profound implications for our understanding of chemical reactivity and the design of quantum control strategies. By harnessing these geometric phase effects, researchers can manipulate and steer chemical reactions towards desired outcomes with unprecedented precision.


In conclusion, pump-probe high-harmonic spectroscopy represents a powerful tool for studying geometric phase effects around conical intersections in molecules. By combining ultrafast laser pulses and advanced data analysis techniques, researchers can unravel the intricate dynamics of molecular systems and pave the way for new discoveries in the field of chemical physics.

Stay tuned for more updates on the latest research in pump-probe high-harmonic spectroscopy and its applications in molecular dynamics.