Quick Fix: 8 Life Hacks When You’re In A Jam

It’s a long shot, but you may just come face to face with quicksand someday. Or rather, you’ll be torso-deep in the stuff, struggling to get out. Here’s the fix: Since your body is less dense than quicksand, it’s difficult to completely sink so long as you remain calm. Slowly pull each leg to the surface, as if you’re trying to float on water. When you’re horizontal, you’ll be able to wriggle toward some terra firma.

Water In The Desert

Movies make it seem like deserts are nothing but sand. And although some may fit that description, many are replete with green vegetation such as cottonwood, willow, ash, and sycamore trees, all which contain potable liquid. Also, be on the lookout for birds and insects: Chances are they’re heading toward moisture.