Switching from tampons to a menstrual cup ‘can improve a woman’s sex life’

  • Two thirds of women reported decreased vaginal dryness after switching
  • Nearly half said their sleep improved when they used a menstrual cup 
  • Women said they switched as cups that last for 10 years are cheaper
  • They also protect the environment, replacing around 3,250 tampons 

Madlen Davies for MailOnline



You may think they are only used by hippies and those with questionable hygiene.

But menstrual cups could actually improve your sex life, a new survey claims.

The cups, which are inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual fluid, are said to reduce dryness and help the vaginal muscles stay strong.

Usually made from rubber and shaped like an egg cup or funnel, they can be used for up to 12 hours before needing to be emptied. 

While tampons absorb menstrual flow, cups collect it. Advocates says this reduces dryness and discomfort

While tampons absorb menstrual flow, cups collect it. Advocates says this reduces dryness and discomfort

Costing around £25 and lasting for 10 years, advocates argue  a cup is much cheaper than buying tampons or pads each month.

To mark Menstrual Hygiene Day today, feminine hygiene company Intimina asked 1,500 women how their periods had changed since swapping tampons for a cup. 

Of the women questioned for the survey:

  • 26 per cent said their sex life had improved since to using a cup, due to decreased dryness and improved vaginal tone
  • 46 per cent said their sleep was better
  • 84 per cent of women said they felt more confident during their period
  • 78 per cent felt more comfortable with their body

According to Intimina, the women in the study reported significant improvements in comfort during their period.

This included:

  • 66 per cent decrease in vaginal dryness
  • 34 per cent reporting they experienced fewer and less severe cramps
  • 62 per cent reporting less odour

Women said protecting the environment was one of the top five reasons they switched to a menstrual cup. One cup replaces around 3,250 tampons, as a woman uses 12,000 over a lifetime

Women said protecting the environment was one of the top five reasons they switched to a menstrual cup. One cup replaces around 3,250 tampons, as a woman uses 12,000 over a lifetime

The top five reasons why the women surveyed switched to a cup were:

1. For health benefits: Menstrual cups are made from 100 per cent medical grade silicone while tampons contain irritating fibres and can contain chemicals such as fragrances, dioxins, and pesticide residues.

2. For the longer wear time: Menstrual cups can be worn for up 12 hours between changes compared to the 8 hours maximum for a tampon.

3. To save money: A £25 menstrual cup can be reused for up to 10 years.

The average cost of using disposable pads or tampons for 10 years is £500.

4. To help protect the environment: It is estimated that the average woman uses 12,000 tampons over a lifetime. One menstrual cup replaces thousands of tampons.

5. For comfort: As menstrual cups collect menstrual flow instead of absorbing it, dryness and discomfort is reduced.


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