Take Cover! ‘Super Lice’ Have Invaded 25 States

“Super lice” aren’t exactly the X-Men of bugs their name suggests, but they are super resistant to typical over-the-counter lice treatments—which makes them super hard to get rid of, according to the report. Hence: super lice.

The states affected include: Washington, California, Arizona, Texas, Kansas, Minnesota, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, D.C., Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Maine.

The report on these super-resistant bugs was first published late last year, and found that the mutant strain has spread to half the country. Now, doctors are seeing an increasing number of cases in their office, according to KTXL Fox 40.

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The researchers explain in the report that in the past we’ve easily crushed the critters with a simple dose of chemicals called pyrethroids, which bind to the nervous system receptors in the bugs and eventually kills them. But over the years, the itch-inducing pests have evolved so that the lethal chemical no longer fits neatly into those receptors.

If you do find yourself going head to head with a lice outbreak, don’t freak out. Grab a lice comb and talk to your doc about the fastest way to rid yourself of the creepy crawlies.Â